Archive NBP Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Archive NBP Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin collect and allow to view historical currency rates from Bank of Poland by using custom Gutenberg Blocks and REST API.
The plugin use Narodowy Bank Polski public API for collecting the rates.
Bank of Poland API description and terms of use:
After plugin installation your site will provide Bank of Poland historical data using your local database and directly from your domain as REST API service (see FAQ about endpoints).


  1. List of available Gutenberg blocks.

    List of available Gutenberg blocks.

  2. Archive NBP Currency Chart Block (admin area).

    Archive NBP Currency Chart Block (admin area).

  3. Archive NBP Currency Chart Block (public area).

    Archive NBP Currency Chart Block (public area).

  4. Archive NBP Currency Rates Block (admin area).

    Archive NBP Currency Rates Block (admin area).

  5. Archive NBP Currency Rates Block (public area).

    Archive NBP Currency Rates Block (public area).

  6. Archive NBP Currency Converter Block (admin area).

    Archive NBP Currency Converter Block (admin area).

  7. Archive NBP Currency Converter Block (public area).

    Archive NBP Currency Converter Block (public area).

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