Archive Posts Accordion Panel Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Archive Posts Accordion Panel is the best plugin for the Home and Sup-Pages that will view month and year accordion panel content block and widget to enhance the search experience and make better content view.
Customer can view the archive posts according to month and year into accordion panel with ajax load more option. It allows to show unlimited shortcodes and widgets for the sidebar and content. It supports fully responsive layout with four different styles.
Buy the Premium Version
Premium Version Demo
Free Version Features
- Ajax based without page refresh loading archive posts.
- Supports responsive and customizable designs.
- Five clean and modern templates.
- Allows to configure unlimited widget for the content area and sidebar.
- Load next archive posts by ‘load more’ ajax functionality.
- Design text and background color settings to change styles of the widget heading, month and year, post title.
Premium Version Features
- Custom settings available to hide or show post title, cart button, price, animation over image, post image, pagination, post short content and read more link.
- Dynamic admin settings to change maximum width and height of images.
- There are three types of ajax based pagination available like load more products, next-previous links and simple numeric pagination.
- Search functionality by post name and category from the each panel.
- Supports custom post types.
- Supports unlimited shortcodes for the content area.
- Supports accordion list and grid posts views.
- Allows hide/show post count with each accordion pane.
- Hide empty categories.
- 10+ modern templates.
- 40+ beautiful animation effects.
- Short by or Order by month or year ascending and descending.
- Hide/Show various categories from accordion panel.
- Settings to open a month or year accordion pane by default.
- Supports “All” label accordion pane to load all accordion’s posts.
- RTL Support.
- Hide/Show posted date with posts.
- Hide/Show comments count with posts.
- Allows to set space between posts items in pixels.
- Hide/show author image and name.
Support Details
- We do support for all the plugins and extensions, but please understand that support for premium plugins takes priority. Click here to create support ticket
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