ARENA SEO Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin improves page loading time and adds basic SEO features to a WordPress site.
SEO Features:
1. Control the meta title of each page or post.
2. Add meta description for each page or post.
3. Add meta keywords to each page/post.
4. Create Sitemap.XML file.
5. Redirect any page or post.
6. Redirect media pages to parent post.
7. Add NOINDEX to categories/author/tag pages.
8. Add NOINDEX tag to each page or post.
9. Easy embedding of analytics code and WMT verification code.
Loading Speed:
1. Move jQuery loading to the footer.
2. Remove query strings from static resources.
3. Add expired headers for better browser caching.
4. HTML Minification.
5. Remove google fonts.
ADS Injection:
1. Inject ads inside post content, after first, second, or third paragraph.
2. Inject ads code to the bottom of posts.