ARKCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
ARKCommerce is a payment gateway that provides ARK crypto currency payment services for WooCommerce store operators on WordPress platform by utilising the ARK blockchain. Fully based on open source code and architecture, ARKCommerce aims to provide the necessary e-commerce infrastructure with the goal of wider market acceptance for ARK by both customers and merchants. Online merchants struggle with risk-free and timely digital product delivery via established fiat currency payment intermediaries. This makes for a particularly suitable use case for crypto currency payments that happen in a trustless, straightforward, and automated fashion.
ARKCommerce leverages the versatility of ARK blockchain that features a special field called SmartBridge which enables user input as part of the transaction, whereas 8 second block times facilitate prompt transaction confirmations. All orders placed through ARKCommerce are placed on-hold until repetitive ARK blockchain queries reveal a transaction for an appropriate amount of ARK and with a correct order reference making a deposit into the monitored ARK wallet address belonging to the store, all without requiring or storing wallet passphrases.
- Supports pricing in both fiat currency conversion and natively in ARK
- Automatic exchange rate synchronisation for supported currencies ( API)
- Market/above-market/fixed store exchange rate selection
- Dual price display, supports all WooCommerce Product types and price formats
- Fully automatic order processing, metadata recording and transaction discovery via ARK/DARK Node API
- Order timeout limit support for risk management
- Theme-agnostic integration into WooCommerce and WordPress
- Detailed ARKCommerce event administrator/store manager email notifications available
- Customer-facing FAQ and Currency Converter widgets
- Administrator dashboard widgets, WooCommerce Order meta box, ARKCommerce Navigator and ARKCommerce Information pages
- Fully internationalisation-ready
We would like to see ARKCommerce translated in as many languages as possible and native speakers from all over the globe are very welcome to do so on
If you decide to support this project you may do so by taking advantage of its services, submitting favourable reviews, providing constructive feedback/raising issues at the project page on GitHub, or donating ARK to AXaDj4ADMgzw67zik3ynwktARVKgwfv1WP in case you are feeling particularly generous.
All kinds of products shown in dual pricing; store operator has total control over currency choice, exchange rate type and price display. Notice two bundled widgets: Customer FAQ and Currency Converter.
Basic plugin settings screen where the store operator configures connectivity to ARK and DARK Nodes, and inputs their store’s ARK wallet address. DARK Mode is used for sandbox testing.
Preferences page provides the ability to customize exchange rate, order validity, payment gateway title/description/instructions, notice placements, and administrator/store manager notifications on chosen order events.
Navigator page is a dashboard displaying recent activity carried out via ARKCommerce.
Administrator Dashboard includes ARKCommerce Status and Manual Transaction Check widgets.
Information page contains basic information about the ARK blockchain, ARKCommerce plugin, useful links, and quick guides on setup-related procedures focusing on WP-Cron.
WooCommerce Order view displaying a placed order.
WooCommerce Order view displaying a successfully filled order; ARKCommerce Meta Box on the right.
WooCommerce Customer Order Email notification view; notice the inclusion of Store ARK Wallet QR Code and alongside ARK-related instructions.
WooCommerce Cart view; notice the notification informing the customer of the current order expiry timeout.
WooCommerce Cart checkout view; notice the notification informing the customer of the ARK order total and current order expiry timeout.
WooCommerce Order Placed view; notice the inclusion of Store ARK Wallet QR Code and alongside ARK-related instructions.
Administrator notification on ARKCommerce order placement.
Administrator notification on ARKCommerce order fulfillment.
Administrator notification on ARKCommerce order expiry.