Article Type Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin does the “grunt” work for registering a custom post type called “article” with categories,
tags, along with widget support and short-code features.
This plugin is at aimed the user that wants to better organize their content, but not do all the server side code.
I’ve done that for you, all that is left is some light “theming” via CSS. This plugin may seem redundant when compared to “posts”, seeing
as how it has almost all the features of a post, but I’m attempting to separate the “concept” of publishing “content” as a journal entry i.e. post
versus a periodical i.e. article, hope others find it useful.
Widget supports the following:
(Requirments: your theme must support Widgets! For this feature to work)
* Custom title
* Article count
* Choose category to display (choosing ALL may result in “post bleed” on archive pages, not recommmended)
* Choose tag to display
* Choose thumbnail to display
* Show posted on
* Show posted in
* Show excerpt (based on your settings defined in functions.php)
Short-code “most recent articles box” with the following:
* Specify count
* Specify category
* Custom title
Short-code “meta box” and “meta list” with the following:
* unique class name for styling
MRA widget
Short code in use, note the widget in the sidebar (Note I’m using 3.1RC)
Short code implied in the wisywig