Woocommerce Global Price Options Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Add global price options by category/categories to Woocommerce products. Allows you to set fixed list of prices (Variations like) to all products in selected categories.
It is aimed for use by WooCommerce shops that use identical price options for all products in a category or categories.
- Photographer sites selling photos in different sizes options (But same options to all).
- Sites that sell by license and need to show list of license options on each product (like music files etc.)
- Sites that have a product category with same price to all products in it, variated by any feature selected by the customer.
Set price options once, apply to all products in the selected categories.
It eliminates the use of variable products while let the shop owner force selection of price option form the pre defined list.
Tested up to Woocommerce Version 6.0.0
Requires at least Woocommerce Version 2.6.0
See in the video
- Globally add price options to products.
- You can dynamically add and manage the price options with title and price for each option.
- Price options can be displayed as radio buttons or drop down list in the product page.
- Select categories to apply the price options. All other categories remain intact.
- Adjust the text on the “Read more” button in the shop/archive pages. e.g “select license” or “select options” etc.
- In the cart, a title and description is added to each item with the selected option details. You can control the label for the description.
- Customer can add the product to cart with multiple options (one at a time.)
- You can opt to make product without price definition to be purchasable with your price options.
Customize the display of the price list
If you need to change the HTML of the header and footer of the price list display, you can use the following filters in your theme’s functions.php file:
The product screen with the global price options
Setting – The global price options are set here
Setting – Selecting categories to apply the global price option on and other options