Audio Player For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Audio Player for WooCommerce enables adding audio samples to your products and displaying audio player in Shop and Product pages. Add one or more preview songs to any of your products and display audio player in your Shop or single Product pages. Audio Player for WooCommerce makes adding audio files to your products an ease allowing you to quickly showcase your audio related products for sale.
View plugin documentation
Note that this plugin allows you to upload audio preview. Audio previews are songs that will be shown in the player on your Shop or single Product pages. These are not the files user will get when he makes purchase of your WooCommerce product for sale. This ensures audio samples that user will be able to listen on your Shop page are not the actual downloadable files, thus preventing users from potentially getting your downloadable files by third party downloaders illegally.
Following are the main features of this plugin:
- Attach audio previews to your WooCommerce products
- Display audio player on Shop and Single product pages
- Display stick player on page bottom
- Add one or more song samples to each product
- Support for HTML audio and import CSV sources
- Compatible with Modern Audio Player playlists for supported formats
- Ajax Cart integration
- Include audio player on Non WooCommerce pages with [product] shortcode
- Add player to any page with custom shortcode [apmap_woo product_id=”123”]
- Multiple player skins including sticky player
- Customizable waveform
- Social sharing websites
- Translation languages
Supported audio formats
- Batch upload multiple audio files from WordPress media library to each product
- Load audio from publicly available external source (Google Drive etc)
- Upload CSV file (example provided)
- Load playlist from Modern Audio Player
Song and playback features
- Display content in playlist (thumbnail, title, artist, description, date)
- Support for lyrics file formats (srt, vtt, lrc)
- Random play option (shuffle songs)
- Playback rate with support for custom playback rates in player
- Optional song sample download
Shop page
- Enable / disable audio player in Shop page
- Choose player skin
- Choose player position in Shop page
- Optionally remove product thumbnail and replace it with audio attachment image
Product page
- Enable / disable audio player in Product page
- Choose player skin
- Choose player position in Product page
Sticky player
- Enable / disable sticky player
- Choose sticky player skin
- Choose which buttons to use in sticky player
Ajax Cart settings
- Enable Add to Cart with Ajax button in player and sticky
- Add to Cart with Ajax button works for simple and variable products
How to use:
- Add one or more preview songs to any of your products in Edit Product Admin section.
- Activate player in Shop and or single Product pages.
- Choose player skin which suits you the most for Shop and single Product pages.
- Player will be shown in the products that have preview songs set.
- If you choose to use Ajax Add to Cart button in player, users will be able to add your products to Cart directly from audio player / sticky player.
View demo Shop page
General settings
Player settings
Waveform settings
WooCommerce settings
Miscellaneous settings
Sticky player settings
Social sharing settings
Translation settings
Plugin will work with any default WordPress theme. Custom themes sometimes modify and even remove default WooCommerce hooks (which are required for this plugin to work) so we cannot guarantee that the plugin will work 100% with your theme (or that all the features will be compatible).
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.0 [28.11.2024]
- first release
woocommerce, audio, player, selling, music, product, shop