AutoBlog Iframe Extension Plugin For WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
What Can You Do With This Plugin?
AutoBlog Iframe Extension Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge iframe content embedder. It will use iframes to automatically embed original article posts to your site!
The goal is to achieve the following:
AutoBlog Iframe Extension will automatically create content for your site, using iframes to embed the original content automatically to your site. Iframes are really loved by Google, because they are categorized as “fair use” of the original content – thus your site will not get any duplicate content SEO penalties.
Plugin update log
v1.1.1 update: added the ability to disable the iframe functionality for rules from other plugins – video tutorial.
v1.1 update: added the ability to add text and images next to the displayed iframe from pages.
Why do you need iframes on your site?
To truly answer this question, we first need to know what an iframe is.
iFrames allow you to embed a separate HTML documents (from other websites) on the pages from your site. As a result, you will automatically get content from other URLs on your own web page.
Search engines love iframes, because they are used in many situations on the web. Here are some examples:
- Built-in videos, presentations and other visual content.
- For embedding examples of code fragments.
- To optimize the appearance of support service tools.
- To generate background traffic through affiliate programs. The use of the tag is due to the increase of visits that are recorded by analytics systems and overstate traffic results.
- Used in software applications.
- Often helpful for technical support departments.
Other autoblogging plugins with which this plugin will work?
The plugin will work with any autoblogging plugin from my portfolio. The autoblogging plugins will generate the content, while this plugin will display the imported content using iframes. Here are only some examples from them: Newsomatic, Echo RSS, Fbomatic, Youtubomatic, Crawlomatic, Instamatic, Recipeomatic, Redditomatic, and many more, check my full portfolio, here.
Do iframes cause duplicate content issues ?
Since iframes reference a different web page, rather than replicating the content, they will not create duplicate content penalties from search engines. The crawling robots recognize the <iframe> tag and don’t register the content as duplicate.
Does Google consider iframes as “cloaking” ?
“Cloaking” refers to a black hat tactic in which you present different content to search engine robots than to users who visit your page.
Since iframes clearly mark the source of the content in the HTML syntax, search engine robots understand that the content the user sees is the same content referred to in the source URL. Iframes are therefore completely distinct from cloaking, so don’t worry about being carded for black hat tactics.
Testing this plugin
- You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘‘Plugin Test Site’’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.
Need support?
Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.
Version 1.0 Release Date 2020-02-05
First version released!
Version 1.1 Release Date 2020-02-17
Added the ability to modify the displayed content (add more text next to the displayed iframe)
Version 1.1.1 Release Date 2020-03-03
Added the ability to disable the iframe functionality for rules from other plugins
Version 1.1.2 Release Date 2020-05-11
Bugfix update
Version 1.1.3 Release Date 2020-05-19
The plugin does not require any more to add it's shortcode on a specific page - nice SEO URLs update
Version 1.1.4 Release Date 2020-05-21
Added X-Frame Origin check for pages that have iframe embedding disabled
Version 1.1.5 Release Date 2021-01-16
PHP 8 compatibility update
Version 1.1.6 Release Date 2022-07-16
Added a new readability module to replace iframe content - use the %%show_readability%% shortcode in the 'Post Content Template' settings field to activate this new feature
Version 1.1.7 Release Date 2023-02-10
Added a new parameter to the [aiex-dispay-iframe] shortcode: iframe_url - using it, you will be able to manually define the URL which should be displayed in the iframe the plugin generates
Version Release Date 2023-10-18
Fixed PHP 8.2 related errors
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If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!
WordPress 6.7 and PHP 8.4 Tested!
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