AutoChimp Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Automatically subscribe, unsubscribe, and update users to your MailChimp mailing list as users subscribe and unsubscribe to your site. Sync your BuddyPress or Cimy User Extra Fields profile fields with your MaiChimp merge variables and interest groups. Create MailChimp mail campaigns automatically from blog posts leveraging multiple campaigns, lists, interest groups, and user templates. AutoChimp uses a tabbed options page to help you manage your settings. In order to use AutoChimp, you must already have an account with MailChimp and at least one mailing list.
To use, save your MailChimp API Key on the options page then start adding your new registrations to any selected MailChimp mailing list. You can configure the plugin to update your mailing list when 1) a new user subscribes, 2) a user unsubscribes, or 3) a user updates his information. You may also choose to create campaigns automatically from post categories of your choosing. You can send the campaigns immediately or just save them.
The Mailing Lists options allow to set up AutoChimp to sync with your MailChimp lists. You can choose to sync when users join and leave your site as well as when they update their information. You can also use supported plugins to extend your user profile and use AutoChimp to sync that data with MailChimp.
The Campaigns options give you a lot of flexibility in generating campaigns from you posts. You can choose as many categories as you want and send post data to any select mailing list, interest group, using any user template. Note: Gallery templates are not supported, but you can always copy a gallery template as a user template on the MailChimp website.
Using the Plugins options, you can instruct AutoChimp to work with other supported plugins like Register Plus, BuddyPress, Cimy User Extra Fields, and Viper’s Video Tags.
You should only have to vist the API Key options once when you set your API key. Until you do this, you won’t be able to use AutoChimp. You can find your API key on the MailChimp website at: Account -> API Keys and Authorized Apps.
Also on the Mailing Lists tab is the manual sync feature. You can use this feature to sync all of your existing users with MailChimp. While the sync is running, you’ll be able to see progress as well as a report when it’s done.