Autocomplete Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is a short and sweet autocpmplete plugin, useful for autocompleting
words, as the post author types the contents in the wordpress content area.
By default, “wordpress” is the only word, which is autocompleted. So after
installing and activating the plugin, when you, as an author, start typing
the blog contents, after adding a new post, and when when you type “wo” ,
a small autocomplete box pops up beneth, with “wordpress” written on it.
If you want to type “wordpress”, you can click on that widget, or if you
want to type “wolverine” , you can keep typing, ignoring the widget.
For adding more words, go to settings=>autocomplete options
In the top row, there is a text box and a button. Type the word you want to
add and press the “add word” button. This text box accepts only alphanumeric inputs.
Now the new word is added in the list. To reset the list, press the “reset” button.
And the list now resets to the original value “wordpress”
This plugin uses “textcompleter” Jquery plugin by “Yuku Takahashi”
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