Avatar – Author Box For Elementor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Introduce the author of the posts in the nice author info box using the Avatar WordPress plugin. This allows readers to learn more about the authors and contact them personally through social media or other available means of communication. Associate your site content with an actual person to increase the interest and engagement of your visitors.
The plugin offers to display the author information of a particular post or add a custom author box through the widget settings. This is useful when the article is co-authored and you need to specify all the contributors. Regardless of which way is chosen, the block layout can be configured by ordering or deleting some elements according to your needs. At the same time, each element has additional customization settings like Before and After text for the name or biography. The Avatar plugin allows adding any social channels, email, or website link for communication with the authors using the buttons and icons library.
The item package includes 5 prepared templates to help you get started quickly with the Avatar and will inspire you to create your unique project.
Each block element has flexible and straightforward style settings and you can customize everything according to your needs. Change the color, typography, background color, border, margins, padding or apply CSS filter for the image to get the unique result. All this can be configured directly from the Elementor’s interface and does not require additional code knowledge.
Avatar for Elementor is exceptionally compatible with all modern browsers. It does not matter which browser users view your site: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, or Edge. Everything will look great on all devices and in all browsers.
Features of the Avatar WordPress plugin for Elementor
- Custom author box support
- Сustom block layout
- Available multiple authors feature
- CSS image filter included
- Flexible style settings
- Social buttons included
- Works well with all WordPress themes built on Elementor
- Totally Seo Friendly
- Included pot file for quick translation on any language
- Perfect for RTL direction
- Fast and smooth installing
- Tested and compatible up to WordPress 5+
- Lightweight and Fast
- All major browsers supported Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge
- Easy to use and customize with modern User Interface
- Installation Guide and detailed Users Manual
- Six months Included Support for CodeCanyon buyers
- Perfect for Elementor 2.5 and higher
The plugin installation takes only a few seconds. Also, you do not need to make any additional settings. The plugin is ready to work immediately after installation – you only need to install and activate it in WordPress. Read more about capabilities and settings in the Online Documentation.
1.0.3 – 24 March 2022 Removed deprecated _register_controls method Fixed notices
1.0.2 – 22 August 2020 Fixed illegal string offset 'body' issue
1.0.1 – 14 August 2020 Improved plugin performance in the admin area
1.0.0 – 30 July 2020 Initial release