Azurecurve Conditional Page Links Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The cpl shortcode allows links to be generated when the page exists; allows index or other pages to be built before child or other linked pages. Adds anchor tags to valid links otherwise outputs plain text.
Shortcode allows cpl, Cpl or CPL to be used for conditional page loinks and cbl, Cbl or CBL for conditional blog links. The following formats are valid:
[cpl slug=”link”]
[cpl title=”this link title”]link[/cpl]
[cpl slug=”link” title=”the link title”]
This plugin is supported with WordPress multisite installations.
This plugin supports language translations. If you want to translate this plugin please sent the .po and .mo files to for inclusion in the next version (full credit will be given). The .pot fie is in the languages folder of the plugin and can also be downloaded from the plugin page on
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