B Blocks – The Ultimate Block Collection Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
B Blocks is a Gutenberg addon that power up your Block editor. It can be use as a WordPress Page Building tool, which contain a variety of beautiful blocks. It is optimized for performance and provide you maximum options to achieve your design goals.
How to use?
- Install the B Blocks plugin
- Add the one or more blocks from block category called “B Blocks” in Gutenberg editor.
- You can change block settings from the right side settings sidebar.
For installation help click on the Installation Tab
Customize: Customize every block as your design requirement. All blocks elements has their own settings, such as typography, colors, spacing etc.
Layouts: Some of the blocks has layouts/theme. Its provide the custom pre-designed structure of the block.
Icons Library: Include custom icon library. Implements in which blocks needs.
Google Fonts: Include the google fonts in typography settings
Block Lists
Posts: Display posts in grid and masonry layouts. Define post number, categories, control margin, determine post excerpts, and do many more.
Slider: Design an image and content slider with change style slider indicators.
Section Heading: Section Heading with a heading, separator, and a description, show hide controls for separator and description.
3D Viewer: Display interactive 3D models on the web.
Image Gallery: Display beautiful images as a gallery to present your photos in a stunning, attractive way.
Image Comparison: Compare between two images to see their difference.
Flip Boxes: Highlight your content inside your site in a great way.
Team Members: Present your employees/team members to your clients in beautiful way.
Card: Design a card that includes image, heading, description heading, description, and footer with custom typography.
Pricing Table: Create and display product professional looking pricing table in WordPress’s block editor. This is a block plugin and it will only work with Gutenberg editor.
Price Lists: Display Price lists section with image, title, description, price and a separator.
Feature Boxes: Display Feature boxes section with feature image, title, separator and description.
Info Box: Show information in your website for the users in a attractive way.
Lottie Player: Display animated lottie lottie files/images.
Chart: Represent your data by symbols, such as bars, lines, or pie charts.
Button Group: Displaying multiple buttons. So that, your visitors can click on the buttons to visit different pages or find out more about your offers.
Countdown: Displaying the timer for an event, that will happen in your business.
Counters: Display Number as animated counter(start to end).
Mail To: Mail to your mail address with a single click, mail on G-mail, Outlook, Yahoo also default app.
Gif Image: Embed gif image to your posts and pages.
QR Code: Just input a URL then it will automatically show QR code.
Social Share: Share your website/website-page link to social networks and mobile messengers.
Animated Text: Apply animation on any text.
Alert: Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.
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Posts- Grid- Default layout
Posts- Grid- Title Meta layout, Customize
Posts- Slider- Overlay layout
Posts- Slider- Overlay Box layout
Posts- Masonry- Overlay layout
Posts- Masonry- Overlay Box layout
Slider- Default, Image Background
Slider- Image Slider
3D Viewer
Image Gallery
Image Comparison
Flip Boxes
Team Members
Team Members- Horizontal layout
Cards- Default
Cards- Horizontal layout
Pricing Table
Pricing Table- Ultimate Style
Price Lists
Price Lists- Horizontal layout
Feature Boxes
Info Box
Lottie Player
Countdown- Default, Layout 1
Countdown- Layout 2, 3
Counters- Default, Theme 2
Counters- Theme 3
Mail To