Backlink Day Counter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
By using [link] shortcode after backlink, Administrators can see remaining days of a sponsored backlink next to it.
- Option to using only with “end” ( parameter. Example: [link end=”15.07.2023″]
- Option to using with “start” ( and “duration” (days) parameters. Example: [link start=”15.07.2022″ duration=”30″]
- Option to create whole backlink with it using “url” and “keyword” parameters. Example: [link url=”” keyword=”Google” target=”_blank” end=”15.07.2023″]
- Option to add infinite parameters to it. Example: [link end=”15.07.2023″ customer=”Yilmaz Cakar” email=”” price=”$20″]
- Option to create a link without detail. Example: [link url=”” keyword=”Google” plain=”yes”]
- Only Administrator of website can see that created data.
- English (default) and Turkish support (Can be changed in Admin -> Settings -> Backlink Day Counter Settings)
Parameter Names
start baslangic
end bitis
remaining kalan
duration sure
days gun
keyword kelime
plain detaysiz
Backlink Day Counter plugin is created by Sezer İltekin
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