Basic Banner Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Basic Banner Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Basic Banner is a plugin that allows you to create and display banners in WordPress. This plugin creates custom post type called banner to store all the banners.

Displaying the Banner

You can display the banners by using basic banner widget. There is also a shortcode :

[basicbanner name="" class=""]

And a function for displaying banners anywhere in your theme :

<?php basic_banner_show( $name, $class = ''); ?>

Parameter $name is the banner slug and $class is the additional HTML classes for banner container. To get the banner object, you can use this function :

<?php $banner = basic_banner_get( $name ); ?>

Override Banner Template

  1. Locate folder template in Basic Banner plugin folder (wp-content/plugins/basic-banner/template).
  2. Copy banner.php file to your theme folder under the folder called basic-banner (wp-content/themes/your-theme/basic-banner/banner.php).
  3. Modify banner.php file as you like.

Contribute on GitHub

You can contribute to this plugin via the GitHub repository.


  1. Create a new banner

    Create a new banner

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