BbPress Thanks – WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
bbPress Thanks is a WordPress plugin that works with bbPress forums and it’s inspired by the popular vBulletin Thank You extension. It places a text area field in the forms used to create a new topic or reply or edit an existing one. Content entered here is hidden from users and only visible when they thank the content, click a Thanks button.
The user who authored the content and moderators can always see the content.
How it Works
A forum participant enters content using the text area Hidden Content added by bbPress Thanks in topic or reply forms:
Another forum user sees the topic or reply. Content is not directly shown in the topic or reply. Instead, a message stating that there’s hidden content plus a Thanks button is shown. If other users thanked and received the content before, they are shown too:
User clicks the Thanks button and content is revealed:
Finally, user name is added to the list of thanking users.
- textarea element for topic and reply forms to enter the hidden content
- hidden content entered by users is only visible to themselves, moderators and other forum participants that show appreciation by clicking the Thanks button
- option to load the page with any hidden content initially collapsed and an arrow to expand and view it
- display a few user names and put the rest in a collapsible area
- or show only how many users thanked the content, without user names
- name displayed is what users select in User Profile > Display Name
- meta box in topic or reply editing screen in WP Admin to edit the hidden content
- customize colors from plugin settings page using visual controls
- enter Custom CSS in settings page to closely match your site’s appearance
- developers can take advantage of the WordPress filters and Javascript event included
- font icons that look great in normal and high density displays like Retina display
- support for Right-to-Left (RTL) languages
- complete documentation
- friendly and experienced support
Access the support forum
Assistance is provided exclusively through the support forum.