Before After Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Before After plugin integrates modified version jQuery Before/After Plugin in the wordpress.
It can be used to show the difference between edited and original photo, before and after photos of changes, etc.
Please check ‘Other Notes’ for the Usage instructions to see how to use it on your blog
Demo with Latest version
Operation on custom theme
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- Write the content of your post other than the images
- Switch to ‘HTML-editor’ mode of the post editor area
- Click ‘BeforeAfter’ button (This will start the ‘[beforeafter]’ shortcode)
- Add the photos to your post through the wordpress image/media uploader
- 1 photo should be left align when you insert the images on your post, the other one can be aligned right/center/none
- The ‘left-aligned’ photo is taken as before photo so please align your photos accordingly
- After you have inserted the two images in the post Click ‘BeforeAfter’ button again to close ‘[/beforeafter]’ shortcode.
- You can add more content to your post after closing the ‘[/beforeafter]’ shortcode
- The content other than image information withing the ‘[beforeafter]…[/beforeafter]’ is ignored when the shortcode is executed, in other places like home page archive page the content will be shown as is in the post.
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