BEMO A-Z Index Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

BEMO A-Z Index Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 3 ratings
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Plugin Description

To use this plugin just put the shortcode [azindex] on the page you want to display an A-Z index on.
This can then be used anywhere posts are being listed.

It also allows you to define a custom index type like this:
[azindex index=”A-E,F-J,K-M,N-R,S-W,X-Z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9″]

You can also index pages:
[azindex index=”A-E,F-J,K-M,N-R,S-W,X-Z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9″ posttype=”page”]

You can set what field to order by:
[azindex orderby=”post_title”]

You can set it to ignore certain prefixes such as “A” or “The”. This is case insensitive.
[azindex ignoreprefixes=”A,The”]
So for example, if you have “The” in there then “The Little House on the Prarie” will come up under both “L” and “T”.

Also works with WooCommerce:
[azindex index=”A-E,F-J,K-M,N-R,S-W,X-Z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9″ posttype=”product”]

If you also want to generate output, rather than filter existing posts you have to use the shortcode

You can also define what to search, default is the first letter of the post or page title:

[azindex filter=”title”] -> Filters on first letter of title

[azindex filter=”content”] -> Filters on first letter of content

[azindex filter=”excerpt”] -> Filters on first letter of the excerpt

[azindex filter=”slug”] -> Filters on first letter of the slug

If you want to list posts from your site on a page from a specific category as well you can do so like this:
[azindex category=”post-listing”]

Or for all categories :
[azindex category=”*”]

There is also a built in custom post type called “A-Z Index Posts” on the admin side that you can add items to and then list on the front page as follows:
[azindex posttype=”azindexcustom”]

or for a listing all custom categories:
[azindex posttype=”azindexcustom” category=”*”]

If you have a custom post type, you can do the following:
[azindex category=”your-custom-category-name” posttype=”my-post-type”]

You can also specify pagination by putting in postcount parameter which represents a number of posts to break on, e.g.
[azindexoutput postcount=”4″]
[azindex postcount=”4″]
You should put this on both shortcodes if you are using them.

You can create your own templates for various uses. In your theme create a folder called BEMOAZIndex and copy the file templates/listing.php in there. You can clone this and then specify other template names as follows:
[azindexoutput template=”bibliography.php”]

There are css styles that you can override in your own template.

There are also 2 widgets, the index widget and the index output widget that replicate the functionality discussed here.

To remove the watermark, you need to buy the pro version.


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