BizCalendar Web Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Acest modul permite afisarea in orice site WordPress a unui formular prin care se pot face programari online pentru o clinica medicala care foloseste aplicatia BizMedica (
Pentru ca modulul sa functioneze corect, acesta transfera toate datele introduse in formular catre un serviciu web extern inclus in aplicatia BizMedica, care este gazduit pe serverul clinicii medicale. De asemenea, el preia date despre medici, specialitati medicale, intervale orare disponibile, etc. din acest serviciu. Toata comunicatia intre serverul WordPress si serviciul extern BizMedica se face criptat, prin protocolul HTTPS.
This plugin allows you to display a form on any WordPress site which allows you to make online appointments for any medical clinic using BizMedica software solutions (
In order for the correct function of the plugin, it transfers all the data entered into the form to an external web service included in the BizMedica application, which is hosted on the medical clinic server. It also downloads data about physicians, medical specialties, available time slots, etc. from this external service. All communication between the WordPress server and the BizMedica external service is encrypted through the HTTPS protocol.