Blue Hat CDN Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Instantly speed up your WordPress website using Blue Hat Turbo plugin for FREE! This plugin offers loss-less image optimization, JavaScript/CSS compression, parallel download optimization, database optimization and much more! It also supports offloading your static media files to various cloud delivery networks including, Blue Hat Cloud Delivery Network, Amazon CloudFront, and Rackspace CloudFiles.
Features include:
Combines Multiple JavaScript/CSS Files Into Single Static Files – Intelligently analyzes and combines multiple JavaScript/CSS files on your web page into single static files, drastically reducing your web page size and connections per page.
Externalizes Large Inline Blocks Of JavaScript/CSS – Automatically Externalizes large inline JavaScript/CSS blocks on your web page to take advantage of optimization and compression and further reduce the page size.
Patent Pending MeshHash Compiler Built In – Patent Pending JavaScript/CSS compiler built in to handle long running JavaScript/CSS optimization tasks asynchronously, without disrupting your visitors flow.
Optimizes Your HTML Code to be HTML 5 Compliant – analyzes and optimizes your web page HTML to be HTML5 compliant. Detects and replaces legacy code with HTML5 recommended code for smaller web page size and greator web browser compatibility.
Works Alongside Other Caching Plugins – use alongside WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, or any other cache plugin for ULTIMATE performance!
CDN File Offloading – offload your static JavaScript, CSS, and image files to your preferred cloud delivery network for ultra low latency delivery! Supports Blue Hat Cloud Delivery Network, Amazon CloudFront, and Rackspace CloudFiles!
Loss-less Image Optimization – uses Yahoo!’s SmushIt image optimization service to further optimize your static images without losing quality.
JavaScript/CSS Optimization – uses a combination of Google Closure Compiler, YUI Compressor, JSMin and CSSMin to squeeze down your JavaScript/CSS file size.
HTML Optimization – optimizes the final HTML that is delivered to your visitors web browser by removing all unnecessary line breaks, tabs and spaces.
Pre-fetch DNS Optimization – uses pre-fetch DNS optimization technique to speed up DNS lookups for your website visitors.
Parallel Download Optimization – spreads your static media files across multiple CDN hostnames to bypass browser simultaneous download limitations.
Database Optimization – helps keep all your database tables optimized by running OPTIMIZE TABLE query on them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Converts Absolute URLs to Protocol Less – converts absolute URLs to protocol-less further reducing page size.
Automatically Scans and Syncs New or Modified Files Upon Article Update – automatically scans, optimizes and syncs new files upon article creation or update.
Auto-Scan/Sync Feature – scan and sync your static media files to your preferred CDN on a frequent basis automatically without needing to setup a cronjob.
Removes HTML Comments – removes HTML comments further reducing the page size.
Removes Generator Meta Tag – removes the unnecessary generator meta tag from your website frontend.
Easy One-Click Setup – easy to setup and use, simply click one button and you’re done! No cronjobs, or server configuration changes to make!
COMPLETELY FREE!!! – this plugin is completely free and is licensed under GNU GPL v3 license terms which means you can use it free forever!
- Replaces the default wordpress JavaScript/CSS concatention method, known as load-scripts.php and load-styles.php, drastically reducing your web server’s load and completely eliminating the use of PHP for serving static JavaScript/CSS files.
For more information, please refer to
Main control panel where you scan/sync and optimize your static media files.
The settings panel where you choose your preferred optimization features.