BMLT Meeting Map Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The BMLT Meeting Map provides a map so people can find NA meetings stored in a the Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT) Server.
The map tiles can come from Open Street Maps, from Google Maps or from a local server or proxy,
depending on the privacy concerns or the users.
Simply put the shortcode [bmlt_meeting_map] into a WordPress page and a map will be generated where nearby meetings are marked.
Click on a meeting location, and the details of all the meetings will pop up. The display is responsive, suitible for mobile and
computers. Panning (or zooming) in the map displays meeting there, or you may search for a different location using geocoding.
The meetings displayed may be filtered by a variety of criteria, such as format or language. Additionally a text output of all
meetings currently in the viewport can be generated.
This plugin is appropriate for small and medium sized regions. The meetings tracked should not exceed 500.
Click on a marker to bring up details of all meetings at that location
Get a text list of all meetings currently showing, sortable by city or day
Filter the meetings by language, format, or weekday