Advanced Custom Fields Frontend Forms – ACF Forms – ACF Post Form – ACF Registration Form – ACF Content Form – ACF Profile Form Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
ACF for the backend and BuddyForms for the frontend. ACF is the preferred choice for creating post metaboxes for the edit screen in the WordPress backend (wp-admin). It comes packed with tons of great form elements and features.
ACF Frontend Submissions. Make your admin edit screen accessable for your users in the frontend without the need to switch to the admin backend. BuddyForms ACF works with all ACF Extensions and BuddyForms Extensions and let you create extream powerfull solutions that are fully accessable from the forntend.
Advanced Custom Fields Form Types
ACF Contact Form
Use any ACF Field or ACF Group in BuddyForms Contact Forms
ACF Registration Form
create powerfull registratio froms from ACF Fields or Field Groups. Create new user during post or data submission of a acf form. Mix registration and post data into one form by using ACF insite a BuddyForms Form.
ACF Post Form
Use any ACF Field or Field Group and use it in a BuddyForms Post Form as form Element. Benefit from all the functionalety BuddyForms bring into post forms to create edit and delete posts from the frontend. BuddyForms is a full Frontend CMS that helps your users create and manage content from the frontend.
List Submissions
List Submissions made with a ACF Form in the frontendn and enable the author to manage there submissions based on there user rights. Every form comes witha permission section to define create – edit and delete capabillities.
Display Formdata vs Display ACF Fields
You can use any ACF field in BuddyForms to display data in themes and pages with gutenberg or pagebuilders. On top, ACF is supported in all major page builders so you can access any data just as used to in your theme mor pagebuilder. Anyway, BuddyForms coems with some hzandy functionallety to display form any data submitted by a form.
ACF Profile Forms
Create Author and Profile Pages for your Member with ACf and let your users change there Profile information with a handy profile form to manage all the data from one place.
ACF BuddyPress – ACF BuddyBoss
Use Acf with BuddyPress and BuddyForms Members to create a new Profile tab from a field or field group
ACF Ultimate Member
Use Acf with BuddyPress and BuddyForms Ultimate Members to create a new Profile tab from a acf field or acf field group
ACF Guest Post
Create all lthe relevant views for guest posts with ACF and BuddyForms Moderation and create a content creation process that make guest submissions with ACF possible.
ACF User Generated Content
Create ACF Forms to collect User Generated Content of any kind with ease. This can be a file upload or any kind of content type. Enable your members to access there data data.
ACF Payed Forms
Create Payed ACF Submissions and let your users pay to use a ACF Form or edit exiting content with the BuddyForms pay for Submission Extension.
Moderation Controle
With BuddyForms you get a tons of features to make sure your Content ios valide and stay live while somone is editing a post. BuddyForms cover all the needs of a content creatin review process. We are working on new features to validate tehj qualety of your content all the time. Find out more about BuddyForms Moderation and Notification System and in the Documentation
Advanced Custom Fields Extension
You can use any ACF extension with BuddyForms. BuddyForms ACF should be fully comatible
Use ACF to create a BuddyPress Component
Create a BuddyPress Members Component or extend your groups with ACF fields!
Use ACF for all your form fields
With ACF enabled you build your form fields once and use everywhere. Use ACF for all form elements needed and just integrate the ACF field groups or single fields in your BuddyForms forms. You can use any ACF Field or Custom ACF Fields with BuddyForms and combine them with BuddyForms Fields and Extensions. If you use ACF, no need to use buddyForms form elements. just use BuddyForms for the frontend CMS to build the Forntend Post Forms and Submission lists to manage post submissions from the frontend.
Sync ACF with BuddyPress
Now you are able to Sync your ACF field under BuddyForms with BuddyPress xProfile.
Documentation & Support
Extensive Documentation and Support
All code is neat, clean and well documented (inline as well as in the documentation).
The BuddyForms Documentation comes with many how-to’s!
If you still get stuck somewhere, our support gets you back on the right track. You can find all help buttons in your BuddyForms Settings Panel in your WP Dashboard!
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