BuddyPress Activity Stream As Blog Comments Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin will replace the main BuddyPress blog (for what BP is activated on) comments section with the activity stream reply system (threaded) and the (reply | favorite) links
This will remove the WP Comments reply section – only the site admin will have access to make traditional comment replies (you may adjust this in the theme file)
I consider this an experimental plugin showing how the activity stream can be more a main component across WordPress.
- Activity stream enabled
- blog and forum activity stream enabled
Important Notes
Please see the FAQ – if you have an existing BP install with blog postings and comments you MUST run an additional plugin to import blog postings and comments into the activity stream (this is untested)
Currently no WPMU subblog support – looking for any brave souls to configure it properly. 🙂
Related Links:
Please report any bugs, ideas, concerns, etc – detailed.
Extra Configuration
Allow other members to use traditional blog comment reply
Edit the theme file theme/activitycomments/blogactivity-commments.php (you may want to copy this activitycomments/file to your default theme to prevent future updates from overwriting)
change the line
Where is_site_admin can be current_user_can()
with the wp_cap level (lets say you want editors or authors to reply to comments in the traditional sense). Then additional blog_comments will show activity replies underneath as well. (a neat nested effect)
No screenshots provided