Bulk Page Generator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Bulk Page Generator can help you to minimize your work and save your time which is very valuable. Using this plugin user can create Pages/Posts easily with the simplest user interface which provide all the attribute which are necessary while creating Pages/Posts. Bulk Page Generator is the solution for web developers and SEO professionals that want to create multiple pages in bulk for their lengthy projects.
In the Bulk Page Generator, you can create the post in three different ways, multiple posts with the same content, posts with different content, and the last posts with dynamic content. You can create the post with full details like title, content, thumbnail image, etc. Also, a great feature is
given you can create data with dynamic content also. Create a dynamic variable to create multiple types of content, now add words or phrases to change dynamically all the variations.
Post With Same Content
As per the name of the tab, you know that here you can create multiple pages, posts, and products, but you have some restrictions, you have to create pages, posts, and products with the same content. But here you can create pages, posts, and products with a different title for each post and the rest of the content will remain the same. Users can use the “|” delimiter to separate the 2 titles. Content like post content, post excerpts, and featured images. The best thing is you can add pre-fix and post-fix to the post title. Also, users can change the post status and comment status.
Post With Different Content
Here you can create multiple pages, posts, and products with different content, you can add separately new pages, posts, or products with the content, title, excerpt, and featured image. You can add and delete these pages, posts, or products before you submit them, so you have a chance to modify the data before you live them. Other details may be the same as they don’t so necessary to change. Post type, status, comment status, author, parent page, page template, etc details are the same for the content. The good thing about is that you can add the different titles with the pre-fix and post-fix so you can get extra different variants.
Post With Dynamic Title
Now the main feature is on the stage where you can add multiple pages, posts, and products with dynamic data. This feature is the most valuable in the Bulk Page Generator plugin. At this option, all things are the same but with one little twist, here is the dynamic data. Let me show you how to create multiple pages, posts, and products with dynamic content. First, you have the ability to create one variable and in this variable, you can add multiple phrases, keywords, or lines. These data actually generate unique pages, posts, or products. So here you can add get multiple posts based on your variable data.
Plugin Features
🔹 Create hundreds of pages, posts, or products with just one click
🔹 Three different ways to add bulk pages, posts, or products
🔹 You can add prefix and postfix keywords for the name of pages, posts, or products
🔹 Options to add specific content and Excerpt for any post type(pages, posts, products, etc.)
🔹 Freely select the post type and post status for any post type
🔹 All attributes included which are needed to create a post, page, and product (Title, Post Content, Post Status, Featured Image, Excerpt Content, Comment Status, Author, Parent Page, Page Template)
🔹 Users can verify all the data before submitting
🔹 A brand new feature added you can generate multiple pages, posts, and products with different content
🔹 Allows you to generate multiple pages with dynamically changed data with variable and unique variable data( word(s) or phrase(s))
🔹 This plugin even works with WooCommerce’s product and custom post type or you can say all post types
🔹 This plugin is very easy to use and very simple user interface