Buoy Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This Buoy Alerts Wordpress plugin will display the current conditions for any buoy available on the buoyalerts.com site in your wordpress sidebar. We’ve gone the distance to provide a flexible and capable plugin that is easy to install, configure, and keep your blog readers informed with the ocean conditions that are relevant to you. Perfect for surfing, sailing, scuba diving or other ocean related blogs. We are incredibly open to feedback, so if you have a feature request please let us know. Free support is available, see the website for details.
A screen shot of the plugin showing the San Francisco Buoy Conditions on a clean install of Wordpress with the default theme
The plugin showing the West Santa Barbara Channel buoy as it appears on the Christian Surfers Santa Barbara website
Buoy Conditions admin page accessible via Settings > Buoy Conditions link in the admin panel
Multiple options are available for displaying information in feet or meters, celcius or fahrenheight, meters or knots, compass cardinal direction or degrees. You can also turn information on or off with the click of a checkbox.
The CSS that controls the display of the sidebar is completely customizable and controlled via the web based admin panel. No need to manually edit files. If you create your own css, please email a copy to wp-plugin-support at buoyalerts dot com. We are creating a gallery of styles and will recognize your contribution with a link or credit.