Calendarista Premium – WP Reservation Booking & Appointment Booking Plugin & Schedule Booking System - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Calendarista is software designed to provide a faster and more efficient online booking experience to your customers.
Front-end demo:
The back-end demo: Access the back-end
For support, please contact us directly through our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our goal is to make it super-fast and easy for businesses to add their services and begin taking bookings online. If you are someone wanting a complete hotel reservation system, car rental, apartment rental, travel agency, beauty salons, restaurants and so forth, you will be able to enable your website for online bookings quickly and easily.
The plugin offers 12 booking modes out of the box, 2 payment gateways and if that is not enough, it also supports Woocommerce, a custom form builder, flexible optional extras, google maps to setup departure and destination and calculate route distance and cost, a backend calendar to view your appointments, just to name a few of the features.
It’s time to fall back in love with booking!
More information is available on our dedicated website:
No add-ons required. All features listed below are natively supported
- Customers can book by selecting a single start date.
- Customers can book by selecting both a start date and start time (multiple slot selection supported).
- Customers can book by selecting both a start date and start time with padding.
- Customers can book by selecting a start date and time range.
- Customers can book by selecting a date range.
- Customers can book by selecting a date and time range.
- Customers can book by selecting a date range with changeover days (check-in/check-out).
- Customers can book a round trip by selecting pickup and drop dates.
- Customers can book a round trip by selecting pickup an drop dates with time.
- Customers can book by selecting a package – A package consists of one or more dates.
- Customers can book multiple dates in any order – Non sequential.
- Customers can book multiple dates and time in any order – Non sequential.
- Setup available time slots as deals (check our Golf – Tee time demo).
- Add a service or list multiple services in the front-end via short-code.
- Add to Google Calendar, iCAL and Outlook buttons for your custom.
- Repeat appointments by day, week, month and year for both customers and back-end manual appointments.
- Webhooks for Zapier
- SMS Reminders via Twilio
- iCAL live feeds to sync your appointments on Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook etc. (2 way sync).
- Natively sync your appointments with Google Calendar (2 way sync).
- Export to CSV.
- Custom Fields – Allows you to collect any additional information from the customer during the booking.
- Unlimited categorized Extras. Allow customers to include optional elements that are free or have a cost.
- Translations – WPML and Polylang support. Translate in multiple languages.
- Fully customizable email notifications sent to staff and your customers.
- SMTP settings – Avoid email notifications ending up in the dreadful spam folder.
- Customizable Email reminders sent to your customers for upcoming appointments.
- Booking with and without payment supported – Customize at the service level.
- Payments with WooCommerce.
- Payments with Stripe and Paypal (supported out of the box, no third party required).
- Collect payments offline.
- Seasonal rates supported.
- Multiple date formats.
- AM/PM or 24h time format.
- Tax
- Departure or departure and destination input fields with google maps autocomplete support.
- Predefined departure or departure and destination dropdown fields.
- Waypoints(stops) between departure and destination.
- Calculate cost by travel distance.
- Display directions on a live google map within your site (no redirect).
- Select departure and destination directly on google map using right click context menu.
- Allow customers to cancel a booking with time limit.
- GDPR ready – EU law compliant on data protection and privacy.
- Add staff members – A staff member can manage appointments.
- Holidays – Take time off.
- Discount coupons.
- Public Calendar with daily, weekly and monthly view.
- Deposits – Pay reminder upon arrival on premises.
- Create or Edit an appointment from the back-end.
- View and manage appointments in the backend.
- View and manage sales in the backend.
- Style booking form by choosing a color that matches your website design.
- Add Search form with search attributes via short-code – allow customers to find matching appointments.
- Unlimited Guests – Allow customers to specify how many guests are coming.
- Seats – Control your availability with seats.
- Group booking – Allows your customers to select multiple seats.
- Automatic updates – Insert your purchase code and receive automated updates for product life time.
== Changelog ==
= 16.0.6 =
- Posted on 22/10/2024
- Fixed: changeover days regression bug (check-in and check-out dates allowed a second booking).
- Fixed: saving changes in the places page bugged out. a regression bug.
= 16.0.5 =
- Posted on 23/07/2024
- Fixed: settings in the availability repeat dialog were not saved (regression bug).
- Fixed: round trip with time disabled end time when same day booking was enabled.
= 16.0.4 =
- Posted on 16/05/2024
- Fixed: regression bug – export to csv broken.
- Fixed: description field in availability html support was broken.
= 16.0.2 =
- Posted on 06/05/2024
- Fixed: regression bug – service modes that support time range broke the page when certain conditions were met.
= 16.0.1 =
- Posted on 03/05/2024
- Fixed: regression bug – optional extra description field did not allow html.
- Fixed: regression bug – saving an availability, ignored sync option.
- Fixed: regression bug – holidays feature broken.
= 15.6.9 =
- Posted on 01/05/2024
- Fixed: security improvements and adherence to wordpress plugin-check standards.
- Fixed: optional extras quantity now limits when using woocommerce and adding multiple appointments to cart.
- Fixed: multi date and time range group booking issue.
- Fixed: service modes with timeslots now no longer take into account slots count but just number of seats for full day.
- Fixed: changeover days and group booking issue.
- Fixed: optional extra increment quantity issue with full day on time enabled service mode.
- Fixed: miscellaneous fixes and improvements.
= 15.6.7 =
- Posted on 27/02/2024
- Added: incremental optional extras now supports quantity.
= 15.6.6 =
- Posted on 19/02/2024
- Fixed: regression bug, saving [services > style > advanced] summary template feature broken.
- Fixed: service availability with no seat limit did not allow multiple availability booking.
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fix.
= 15.6.5 =
- Posted on 07/02/2024
- Fixed: regression bug, export feature broken
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fix.
= 15.6.4 =
- Posted on 29/01/2024
- Fix: regression bug, updating or deleting items in the backend broken.
- Fix: regression bug, editing time slot from the backend did nothing.
= 15.6.3 =
- Posted on 28/01/2024
- Fix: regression bug, optional extras step failed during the booking.
= 15.6.2 =
- Posted on 25/01/2024
- Fixed: imported feeds now use cURL and should work better.
- Fixed: security update.
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fix.
= 15.6.1 =
- Posted on 25/01/2024
- Fixed: imported feeds now use cURL and should work better.
- Fixed: security update.
= 15.6.0 =
- Posted on 18/01/2024
- Fixed: regression bug viewing guests in backend.
- Fixed: backend sales page order by columns.
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fix.
= 15.5.9 =
- Posted on 11/01/2024
- Fixed: synching internal feeds did not consider seats.
- Fixed: security update.
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fixes.
= 15.5.7 =
- Posted on 02/01/2024
- Fixed: date range type modes did not maintain the selected value on edit (back-end).
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fixes.
= 15.5.6 =
- Posted on 04/12/2023
- Fixed: with Twilio enabled, phone numbers that included a single starting 0 were converted to +
- Fixed: When returning from PayPal, a thank you message is now displayed correctly with invoice ID.
- Fixed: repeat appointments on single day and time range mode listed incorrectly in back-end.
- Fixed: admin back-end when creating a new appointment, holidays and closed dates (repeat sequence) was not respected.
- Fixed: when enabling the woocommerce cron job, failed order appointments got registered as well.
- Fixed: upfront payment without a discount amount was treated as a deposit.
= 15.5.4 =
- Posted on 25/10/2023
- Fixed: regression bug, custom form fields were not included in the export csv.
- Fixed: added guest required info label to the quick text edits.
- Fixed: custom form fields that were not marked as guest fields were still included as a guest field as well.
= 15.5.3 =
- Posted on 11/10/2023
- Fixed: regression bug, editing a time slot did nothing.
- Fixed: round trip with time no longer enforces a continous time range on same day return.
- Fixed: round trip with time had inconsistent end time selection behavior on same day booking.
- Added: twilio settings for admin now include a country code prefix, so customers only need to insert local number.
= 15.5.1 =
- Posted on 05/10/2023
- Added: updated stripe payments api method calls.
- Fixed: when creating a single time slot by weekday, an error message was displayed.
= 15.5.0 =
- Posted on 29/09/2023
- Added: improvements and additional features when creating/autogenerating timeslots.
- Fixed: regression bug in stripe payments when 3d secure was required.
= 15.4.8 =
- Posted on 23/09/2023
- Fixed: when cancel booking url was disabled from settings > general page, the cancel url was still present in the notification.
- Added: new option when generating time slots that allows to only update seats/cost.
= 15.4.7 =
- Posted on 21/09/2023
- Fixed: regression: confirmation email was sent twice when using online payments or woocommerce.
- Fixed: ical was truncating location at the first comma, hence when adding to icalendar the location was partial.
- Fixed: export to csv had messed up optionals, guests and custom form fields output.
- Added: manual dates added in the services > timeslots page will be removed automatically if expired.
- Added: autogenerating slots can now be done on all availabilities in one go.
- Added: improved export to csv with friendly column names.
- Added: custom form fields can now be marked as a guest seat and participate in group booking.
= 15.4.4 =
- Posted on 08/09/2023
- Fixed: add to calendar links in user profile page was broken. regression bug.
- Fixed: regression bug. cant get beyond the details step when stripe payment is enabled.
- Added: when customer cancels an appointment on their upcoming bookings page, an appointment cancel notification is also sent to the customer.
= 15.4.3 =
- Posted on 07/09/2023
- Added: new option in services > map page to hide the map but keep the location.
- Added: thankyou/review us email via CRON job, that can be timed at any period after the appointment.
- Fixed: confirmation email was sent twice when using online payments or woocommerce.
- Fixed: if your translations included quotes, this could break the appointments page in the backend.
- Fixed: if the customer name contained quotes, this could break stripe payments.
- Fixed: changed layout of the incremental input optional field.
- Fixed: timeformat in settings > general page did not save your selection.
- Fixed: search list timeformat did not apply the settings > general page time format settings.
- Fixed: upfront payment now calculates the discount by number of seats.
= 15.4.1 =
- Posted on 01/08/2023
- Fixed: events added to google calendar using the add to calendar links contained encoded characters.
- Fixed: regression bug with stripe payments caused by version 15.3.9.
= 15.4.0 =
- Posted on 27/07/2023
Fixed: regression bug that affects booking form that is autogenerated on a woocommerce order.
= 15.3.9 =
- Posted on 26/07/2023
- Added: allow customers to edit their appointment with time bracket policy.
- Added: services can now be listed by thumbnail and name (previously only in a dropdownlist).
- Added: availability’s can now be listed by thumbnail, name and description(prev only as a dropdownlist).
- Added: instructions can now to be inserted in the add to calendar links and improved the appointment data as well.
- Fixed: misc fix on woocommerce session.
- Fixed: selecting a service or availability before page loaded did nothing.
- Fixed: upfront deposit did not work when no payment method was selected.
- Fixed: editing appointments from the backend miscellaneous code improvements and fixes.
- Fixed: switching between register and login when membership was enabled, now field input is maintained.
- Fixed: security vulnerability.
= 15.3.2 =
- Posted on 13/06/2023
- Fixed: when using the multi date and time range mode, unavailable days were selectable on the calendar.
- Fixed: the text “repeat this appointment” can now be edited from the services > text page.
= 15.3.1 =
- Posted on 05/06/2023
- Fixed: regression from last update. The date textbox always showed loading…even though loading was completed.
= 15.3.0 =
- Posted on 02/06/2023
- Fixed: tabs hidden in normal view when new option to disable steps in mobile view was checked.
- Fixed: when certain conditions were met, the popup calendar inserted the last selected date even when no selection was made.
= 15.2.9 =
- Posted on 31/05/2023
- Added: new option in general settings to enable/disable the wizard steps in mobile view.
- Fixed: editing appointment from the backend, service selector disappeared after making a selection.
- Fixed: editing/creating appointment from the backend was lacking validation checks.
= 15.2.8 =
- Posted on 25/05/2023
- Fixed: public calendar was missing full date format hence the day view did not display the current date number.
- Fixed: remaining seats message when using the multi date range mode always displayed the value 0.
- Fixed: when using a service mode with timeslots and when all seats were out of stock, editing the appointment broken.
= 15.2.7 =
- Posted on 15/05/2023
- Added: creating/updating appointments from the backend will now show available space.
= 15.2.6 =
- Posted on 10/05/2023
- Fixed: updating an appointment from the back-end caused the appointment to duplicate.
- Fixed: regression bug, under specific condtions, editing appointments in the backend did nothing.
- Fixed: inconsistencies when using the round trip with time mode and group booking.
- Fixed: search did not consider full day holiday on time slot based services.
- Fixed: trying to resend a reminder did nothing.
- Fixed: miscellaneous minor fixes.
= 15.2.5 =
- Posted on 04/05/2023
- Fixed: Latest version of wpml did not translate emails.
- Fixed: regression bug introduced in 15.2.2 (application choked when applying coupon codes).
= 15.2.3 =
- Posted on 04/05/2023
- Fixed: regression bug introduced in 15.2.2 (new db field never got created).
= 15.2.2 =
- Posted on 02/05/2023
- Added: new option to add discount when deposits are active
- Added: when deposits are active, customer can now choose to pay full amount (optionally with discount)
- Fixed: clear button on the public popup calendar is now translatable.
= 15.2.0 =
- Posted on 24/03/2023
- Fixed: regression bug when synching seats with the single day mode.
- Fixed: miscellaneous fixes.
= 15.1.0 =
- Posted on 20/03/2023
- Added: guests function to limit by seats can be enabled without group booking.
- Added: extended group booking support to multi date range, multi date and time range, round trip, round trip with time and changeover
- Fixed: synchronizing availabilities did not work correctly specifically when syncing half day/full day etc.
- Fixed: when the repeat pattern was set to weekly, the calendar in the booking form worked erratically.
= 15.0.9 =
- Posted on 02/03/2023
- Fixed: changing the currency thousand and decimal separators did not apply in the email notifications.
- Fixed: changing the currency thousand and decimal separators broke total_amount_before_tax token.
= 15.0.8 =
- Posted on 16/02/2023
- Fixed: feeds sync – appointments whose start date were in the past but are still ongoing will now be synched correctly.
- Fixed: feeds sync – if map data was included in the appointment, sync did not occur.
- Fixed: search filter now returns results correctly on changeover
= 15.0.7 =
- Posted on 07/02/2023
- Added: repeat appointments can now be edited individually.
- Added: booking multiple availabilities can now be edited individually.
- Added: new token to display total amount before tax: {{total_amount_before_tax}}
- Fixed: overall small miscellaneous improvements and fixes.
= 15.0.6 =
- Posted on 04/01/2023
- Added: SMS reminders via Twilio.
- Fixed: Omani Rial (OMR) was missing from the list of currencies.
= 15.0.5 =
- Posted on 07/12/2022
- Added: when selecting mulitple seats is enabled, you can now collect the name of each participant.
- Added: you can now import to all availabilities within each individual service. prev it was one by one.
- Fixed: when using the time range mode, multiple availabilities were not available for booking.
- Fixed: when using search with changeover days, check-in/check-out resulted booked but was still available.
= 15.0.4 =
- Posted on 04/11/2022
- Added: new option to delete all coupons in bulk.
- Fix: overall small miscellaneous improvements and fixes.
= 15.0.3 =
- Posted on 24/10/2022
- Added: new short-code to display the logged in users upcoming appointments and appointment history [calendarista-user-profile]
- Fixed: appointment status indicator in the back-end appointment calendar did not display the color correctly.
- Fixed: when enabling multiple availability booking, seats were not respected.
- Fixed: miscellaneous improvements to the search results when using the search form.
= 15.0.2 =
- Posted on 22/09/2022
- Added: holidays function now allows applying the changes to the entire service and not just individually selected availability.
- Fixed: weekly repeat appointment option did not work correctly on services with time slots.
- Fixed: weekly repeat appointment option did not work when selecting multiple week days.
- Fixed: some currencies that had the same name and symbol appeared to show the same value before and after the currency.
- Fixed: search filter did not take into consideration the min/max notice.
- Fixed: search filter did not produce results on check-out date which was still available for check-in.
- Fixed: miscellaneous small improvements and adjustments.
= 15.0.1 =
- Posted on 13/09/2022
- Added: booking form tabs are now responsive.
- Fixed: round trip with return being optional displayed the booking in the backend as having return on the same date.
- Fixed: miscellaneous issues when using departure and destination fields and waypoints.
- Fixed: miscellaneous improvements to backend appointment creation/editing.
= 15.0 =
- Posted on 10/09/2022
- Added: updated bootstrap library to latest Bootstrap v5.2.0
- Added: google maps autocomplete predictions can now be bound to a location and radius in meters.
- Added: new option to hide map when departure and destination fields are enabled.
- Added: holidays page now allows taking full day off on services that are timeslot based.
- Fixed: with multi date range, when chosing a period with a holiday in between does not block anymore.
- Fixed: adding a waypoint did not display the added waypoint within the same tab summary
- Fixed: adding multiple waypoints did not display each waypoint within their individual row in the booking summary
- Fixed: single day and time range mode with turnover “before” applied allowed booking a slot within the turnover range.
- Fixed: total time in booking summary count ignored the minutes.
- Fixed: miscellaneous css fixes to colors, paddings, summary info callout etc.
= 14.35 =
- Posted on 26/08/2022
- Fixed: min notice in minutes did not take the following day in consideration.
= 14.34 =
- Posted on 23/08/2022
- Fixed: Regression bug introduced in 14.25: single day and time range mode did not allow selecting the end time which was still available.
= 14.33 =
- Posted on 23/08/2022
- Fixed: closing the end date calendar without selecting a date did not allow reselecting a date again.
= 14.32 =
- Posted on 18/08/2022
- Added: new general setting to remove availabilities with alternate days found in search result.
- Added: new general setting to remove sold out availabilities from search result.
- Fixed: search filter did not work on services that supported time slots.
= 14.31 =
- Posted on 14/08/2022
- Fixed: dropdown lists in general seemed like a regular textbox. There is now an arrow to show that there are more items and that it’s a list.
- Fixed: regression bug when synching feeds.
= 14.30 =
- Posted on 12/08/2022
- Fixed: custom roles (specially ones created using third party role editors) that did not have a matching id and name, didn’t allow full access to the plugin.
- Fixed: regression bug introduced in 14.28; when creating or editing time slots in the back-end no slots are created.
= 14.28 =
- Posted on 11/08/2022
- Added: timeslots displayed in the search form can now be generated from the Services->Short-code->Search filter page.
- Added: map information regarding location, waypoints, duration and distance when synching an appointment to google calendar.
= 14.26 =
- Posted on 08/08/2022
- Added: when editing an appointment, you can now change the service among service modes of the same type.
- Added: when setting a single predefined departure or destination, instead of a single element dropdown list we now display the single location as readonly.
- Added: max selection option for optional extras.
- Added: now, a backend appointment where the service has display remaining seats enabled, will show the amount of seats available.
- Fixed: single day and time range with turnover in minutes allowed booking the end time even though it fell within the turnover range.
- Fixed: search result pages listed in the services page now no longer filters page. all your pages are in the list.
- Fixed: the ics feed handler used the wrong end date if there wasn’t an end date in the data stream.
- Fixed: subtle miscellaneous improvements.
= 14.25 =
- Posted on 26/07/2022
- Added: woocommerce option to display guests information in checkout and order details.
- Added: 2 new tokens for use in email notifications {{coupon_code}}and {{coupon_discount}}.
- Added: Repeat appointments can now be enabled on the following modes: Single day, Single day and time, Single day and time with padding, Single day and time range
- Fixed: search filter did not clear the date when clicking the clear button in the popup calendar.
- Fixed: search filter produced results for changeover days even though one of the dates in the filter wasn’t available.
- Fixed: multi date range did not take set min/max days restriction correctly when using the day count mode as difference.
- Fixed: minor improvements and miscellaneous fixes.
- Fixed: single day with time range mode did not validate min time when chosing the end time first, before the start time.
- Fixed: woocommerce emails did not include the correct number for quantity (seats).
- Fixed: when booking multiple availabilities, the sales page list view and the details view only displayed the first availability name.
- Fixed: when using holidays with custom date time slots, it was not possible to reset the time off.
- Fixed: when generating custom date time slots, the backend view did not sort the slots.
- Fixed: single day with time range that had group booking enabled did not load seats when returning to the first step (previous button).
- Fixed: round trip with time that had group booking enabled with same day return did not load guests.
= 14.22 =
- Posted on 25/05/2022
- Added: “round trip with time” with same day return option now supports group booking.
- Added: “round trip with time” with same day can now be synched with Google Calendar.
- Fixed: “round trip with time” with same day return and return optional was still forcing return.
- Fixed: single day and time range with “turnover after” in minutes did not work if the turnover was over the time interval between slots.
- Fixed: {{{optionalWithCost}}} token produced the cost with too many decimal zeros.
- Fixed: cancelling appointments with multiple availabilities only cancelled the first appointment.
- Fixed: when editing an appointment in the backend, labels were not localized and remained in english.
- Fixed: minor improvements and fixed a few small bugs.
= 14.20 =
- Posted on 14/04/2022
- Fixed: wp roles such a shop manager did not get admin access to the plugins settings.
- Fixed: when checking out with woocommerce, a service with optional extras, an error occurred.
= 14.19 =
- Posted on 11/04/2022
- Fixed: removed limit on the number of availabilities to syncronize.
- Fixed: not able to create new appointments from the backend with the package mode and multiple availabilites
- Fixed: package mode did not multiply optional cost by number of days.
- Fixed: cancel_page_url token sometimes did not print the url in the email notification sent to the customer.
- Fixed: imported and exported feeds had the wrong time.
- Added: new wordpress action is exposed: calendarista_personal_fields. You can use this to add any custom content in the booking form via code.
- Added: new email token for optional extras that includes the cost as well: {{{optionalsWithCost}}}
- Added: round trip with time mode now allows enforcing return on the same day only.
- Added: round trip with time mode now allows generating a different set of slots for return.
- Added: new option for search filter short-code: exclude-end-date-time=”true”
- Added: you can now allow different wp roles to access the admin back-end. new option in settings -> general page.
= 14.16 =
- Posted on 04/02/2022
- Fixed: excluding days using the holidays function was not respected when using a date range mode.
= 14.15 =
- Posted on 18/01/2022
- Fixed: search function date picker did not launch when certain conditions were met.
- Fixed: single and time range gave an error if less than an hour is selected with max time restriction.
- Fixed: appointments synchronized to google calendar no longer displays seats, if seats aren’t selected.
= 14.14 =
- Posted on 22/12/2021
- Fixed: regression bug in custom form builder, selecting any field other than textbox did nothing.
- Fixed: when having more than 1 guest with limit by seat enabled, seat redistribution wasn’t correct.
- Updated: spanish translation files.
= 14.13 =
- Posted on 07/12/2021
- Fixed: total time in booking label was showing in booking summary always.
- Fixed: regression bug from 14.9 update (threw warning when using service mode without timeslots).
- Fixed: optional extras with negative value and more than 1 seat selected did not add up the value in the label.
- Updated: German translation files. Contributed by one of our expert users Oliver (vosshoernerhof).
= 14.11 =
- Posted on 04/12/2021
- Fixed: time slots with deals view lost validation when changing the date.
= 14.10 =
- Posted on 01/12/2021
- Fixed: time slots with deals view did not allow editing the appointment in back-end.
= 14.9 =
- Posted on 28/11/2021
- Added: single day and time range now supports 24h time duration, extending booking to next day
- Added: min/max time restriction on modes that support time range booking.
- Sponsor: both new features above were sponsored by Ernesto from Global Internet Corp.
- Added: payment methods can now show an icon along side the label.
- Added: new option in general settings to enable/disable add to calendar links in booking confirmation message.
- Added: order date field in the appointments page (listview).
- Added: can now filter results by appointment status in the appointments page (listview)
- Added: you can now redirect to the woocommerce cart page during checkout instead of the checkout page.
- Fixed: exporting function did not export guest data correctly.
- Fixed: deals view for time slots ignored holidays.
- Fixed: package mode summary displayed the end date when only a single day was within the package.
- Fixed: package mode did not produce result if only start date was used without end date during search.
- Fixed: multiple services on the same page repeated the booking confirmation on every service.
- Fixed: google calendar sync simply did not sync anything on some environments.
= 14.7 =
- Posted on 28/10/2021
- Fixed: when using long date formats, the start_date/start_time/end_date/end_time email tokens returned wrong info.
- Fixed: guest fields were missing when exporting appointments.
- Fixed: woocommerce orders had an unusual key printed in the order: “_calendarista_seats:”, removed now.
= 14.6 =
- Posted on 15/10/2021
- Fixed: seats were not registered with woocommerce.
- Fixed: in a WordPress multi-site enviornment, export function returned an empty csv file.
- Fixed: email reminders that use built-in wordpress cron job was disabled, regression bug.
= 14.5 =
- Posted on 13/10/2021
- Fixed: more woocommerce improvements for appointments that were not registered with calendarista.
- Added: ability to remove decimal point which some currencies such as the New Taiwan Dollar do not support.
= 14.4 =
- Posted on 07/10/2021
- Fixed: woocommerce on some systems, the appointments were not registered with Calendarista.
- Fixed: end date calendar that uses multi date range / changeover modes, disables outside min-max days restriction.
= 14.3 =
- Posted on 04/10/2021
- Fixed: google calendar sync failure email messages are now correctly sent to the admin user and not the customer.
- Fixed: now the end date cannot be selected before a start date is selected.
- Fixed: min/max in seasons when used applied to all days even outside the season.
- Fixed: when apply custom charge on multi date mode(non range), the cost was was wrong.
- Fixed: when applying custom charge, the custom value is now indicated in the cost summary breakdown.
= 14.2 =
- Posted on 14/09/2021
- Fixed: regression bug, 100% coupons with payment operator (stripe) enabled did not work.
= 14.1 =
- Posted on 10/09/2021
- Added: when setting email reminders, you can now turn off WordPress cron job and instead setup your own Cron job for very accurate results.
- Added: a service mode with time slots enabled can now allows setting turnover days in minutes.
- Fixed: Multi date mode did not show the individual day cost in summary when using seasons.
- Fixed: package mode with append booking period option enabled, the date format is respected.
- Fixed: package mode with appending period option enabled, with single day in package now shows the single date without (from date – to date) as in the past.
- Fixed: solved an edge case where instead of redirecting to woocommerce the booking came through payment offline.
= 14.0 =
- Posted on 23/08/2021
- Added: PHP 8 compatbility.
- Added: support for Zapier.
- Added: new option to calculate optional extras by guest (new option can be found in the guests page).
- Added: new option to display custom form fields in woocommerce order.
- Added: new cron job URL for woocommerce orders. useful for payment operators that did not call the payment complete hook.
- Fixed: synching feeds did not sync multiple feeds on the same service/availability.
- Fixed: woocommerce paypal orders were not registered if customer did not land on the thankyou page.
- Fixed: sometimes google calendar will fail to sync. you will now receive notification of this so that you may take action.
= 13.18 =
- Posted on 14/07/2021
- Fixed: changeover service mode had issues with check-in/check-out when availability had more than 1 seat.
- Fixed: time slot generate dialog wasn’t responsive.
- Fixed: based on some rare conditions, woocommerce orders did not register the appointment with calendarista.
- Added: new option in settings->general page to cancel the woocommerce order automatically when cancelling an appointment in the back-end.
- Added: stripe payments will also register the customer with stripe, so that you may easily export to csv.
- Improved: removed zip code field from stripe payment form.
= 13.17 =
- Posted on 05/07/2021
- Fixed: when updating an appointment in the back-end, if it was already paid, it resulted as unpaid.
= 13.16 =
- Posted on 29/06/2021
- Fixed: regression bug introduced in 13.15. issue with checkout if you have custom form fields of type checkbox list/multi select list.
= 13.15 =
- Posted on 27/06/2021
- Fixed: paid orders in woocommerce ocassionally did not get registered in Calendarista.
- Fixed: some systems had issues with magic quotes.
- Fixed: search result set is now responsive.
= 13.14 =
- Posted on 23/06/2021
- Fixed: modes that involved multiple dates allowed the range even though there were unavailable dates in between the range.
= 13.12 =
- Posted on 21/06/2021
- Fixed: using coupons and tax in woocommerce was not registered in calendarista.
- Fixed: when multiple availables were enabled, optional extras were multiplied per availability but this was only reflected in the total.
- Added: new option in the services page to enable optionals per service. by default optional cost was multipled by each selected availability.
- Added: payment_operator token that can be used in email templates.
- Added: payment operator label in appointment view back-end.
= 13.11 =
- Posted on 14/06/2021
- Added: New booking notification to admin now has the customer as the replyTo address.
- Added: Sales total amount in the sales page.
- Fixed: Sales page “Edit woocommerce order” button broken after applying sales filter.
- Fixed: Cloning a service did not clone guests.
- Fixed: Coupons had inconsistent behavior when a 100% coupon was applied (didn’t hide the payment operator).
- Fixed: search filter results now has two columns. one for thumbnail and the other for item heading/description.
= 13.10 =
- Posted on 30/05/2021
- Fixed: added validation to email subject. useful when using tokens in the subject line which is prone to error.
- Fixed: appointment date in cancellation message was repeated twice.
- Fixed: search result was missing the error messages. regression bug from bootstrap 5.0 update.
- Added: min/max days can now be set in the season settings.
- Added: fixed cost setting for guests. previously the guest cost was added by number of days or slots selected only.
= 13.9 =
- Posted on 23/05/2021
- Fixed: wpml/polylang missed some strings (guests label, payment operator selection, seats left etc).
= 13.8 =
- Posted on 18/05/2021
- Fixed: a regression bug when multiply timeslots by optional cost is selected, the booking summary data was incorrect.
- Fixed: editing a service or an availability when using screen reader technology was broken.
- Fixed: woocommerce bacs payment status resulted paid by default, now corrected.
- Improved: added calendar short-cut summary that can be heard when using screen reader technology.
- Added: more strings for appointment cancellation to the services/text page for easy modification.
- Updated: Bootstrap v5.0.1
= 13.6 =
- Posted on 30/04/2021
- Fixed: when using time based mode with guest having cost, got miscalculated.
= 13.5 =
- Posted on 29/04/2021
- Fixed: race condition when using Multi date and multi date and time mode. regression bug.
- Added: Cancel appointment confirmation message can now be edited from the text page.
= 13.4 =
- Posted on 20/04/2021
- Added: new option for time slot based mode. You can now set minimum notice in minutes.
- Fixed: ammended checkbox elements within the booking form that didn’t display correctly on linebreaks.
= 13.3 =
- Posted on 19/04/2021
- Added: new option for multi date range mode. difference between selected days can now be taken into account.
- Added: package mode now has a new option which appends the booking period to the availability name.
- Fixed: package mode when setting number of days in package, resulted in 1 day more than indicated.
= 13.2 =
- Posted on 16/04/2021
- Improved: search filter now orders results by service->availability, previously only by availability.
- Fixed: min/max notice now does not take into account the current time.
- Fixed: package booking that had ended did not disable the booking.
- Fixed: package booking did not respect seats with enable-multiple-booking=”true”.
= 13.1 =
- Posted on 13/04/2021
- Fixed: when adding multiple bookings to woocommerce cart, after payment only the first booking was registered.
- Added: new option in Settings -> General page to enable/disable booking changed notifications.
= 13.0 =
- Posted on 12/04/2021
- Fixed: when using stripe payment operator with discount coupons, the payment amount was wrong.
- Fixed: when using stripe or paypal with coupons, the sales page registered full price.
= 12.10 =
- Posted on 11/04/2021
- Improved: woocommerce checkout stripe and bank payments now register the order on their respective complete hooks and do not depend on the thankyou page.
- Fixed: woocommerce did not book the appointment if there were other product types in cart as part of the same transaction.
= 12.9 =
- Posted on 06/04/2021
- Added: a label for multi time selection listbox.
- Fixed: the package mode would crash when adding a list of individual available days.
= 12.7 =
- Posted on 02/04/2021
- Fixed: regression bug from 12.0. issue with encoding quotes in custom form fields. caused bookings to fail if a quote character was entered.
= 12.6 =
- Posted on 31/03/2021
- Fixed: multi date range did not allow selecting multiple availables when this mode was enabled.
- Fixed: some websites had an issue with encoding “ä, ü, ö” etc characters. now we force UFT-8.
- Fixed: export appointments function did not include sales data as expected.
- Updated: stripe lib has been updated to the latest build.
- Added: 3 action hooks: ‘calendarista_after_confirm_payment_notification’ 1 parameter, ‘calendarista_after_send_notification’ 2 parameters, ‘calendarista_after_payment’ 2 parameters.
= 12.4 =
- Posted on 26/03/2021
- Added: new option in Settings->General page to disable adding a booking form on the associated woocommerce product page.
- Fixed: multi date and time range and round trip with time did not allow selecting multiple availables when this mode was enabled.
- Fixed: when running the backend pages, if the language was not in english, the appointments and sales pages were broken. 12.0 regression bug.
= 12.2 =
- Posted on 23/03/2021
- Fixed: optional extras with limited quantity went out of stock (too late) after an extra item was booked.
- Fixed: after clicking the calendar clear button in the front-end calendar without an end date, the calendar cannot be popped up again. 12.0 regression bug.
- Fixed: payment with paypal was broken. 12.0 regression bug.
- Improved: changed approach to creating new orders in woocommerce to ensure only completed orders are log an appointment.
- Improved: all clientside code now uses strict mode.
= 12.0 =
- Posted on 22/03/2021
- Fixed: under special circumstances, multi date range and changeover modes allowed selecting periods even if there were booked out dates between periods.
- Fixed: user email was not showing for imported appointments from google calendar.
- Fixed: clear button in calendar was not translatable.
- Fixed: optional extra multiplied by seats even though the setting did not require this.
- Fixed: importing appointments from google calendar failed if the appointment had a description greater than 256 characters.
- Fixed: the availability_name token returned only the first availability when multiple availabilites were selected.
- Fixed: unsuccessful payments in woocommerce still logged a booking and took up space.
- Fixed: when enabling a separate confirmation page, text translations were not maintained.
- Fixed: if html was included in translations for example in wpml or polylang, the html parts were returned encoded.
- Fixed: multi date and time range/round trip and time range did not show availability correctly when only a single slot was left.
- Fixed: when exporting appointments to csv, if certain conditions were met, some rows of data were broken.
- Fixed: resubmitting woocommerce checkout page repeated the last action and doubled the cost with each refresh.
- Fixed: multi date range modes with start and end date, loaded an empty calendar when clicking start date too soon.
- Fixed: gcal and outlook add to calendar links posted in the email notifications did not work.
- Added: new option to enable/disable booking confirmation notification.
- Added: new option in general settings for woocommerce to automatically set an order status as completed.
- Added: new option to switch off setting utf-8 encoding within the email subject.
- Added: appointments synched to google calendar now have the invoiceId included in the appointment description.
= 11.6 =
- Posted on 23/02/2021
- Fixed: when using seasons that cover the same period, only the first season cost was applied.
= 11.5 =
- Posted on 18/02/2021
- Turnover days: turnover after did not work if the booking was not in the current month.
- Feeds from airbnb changed, hence adapting to the changes, specifically with regards to line breaks.
= 11.3 =
- Posted on 08/02/2021
- Fixed: distance/cost calculation is much more accurate now. used to be off by a few fractions due to decimal places.
- Fixed: google calendar did not sync multiple availabilities on the same calendar.
= 11.1 =
- Posted on 23/01/2021
- Fixed: multi date range and time mode did not calculate cost correctly across multiple days.
= 11.0 =
- Posted on 10/01/2021
- Fixed: Setting a fixed cost by distance wasn’t calculated correctly.
- Fixed: when using a round trip with distance calculation, cost did not include the return trip.