Call To Support (VOIP Call Plugin) - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This call plugin helps you to embed the call button in your website without changing your theme files. You website visitors can call site owner instantly for free.
You need API key from After you have kept the API key, your vistors can make web to web voice calls for free.
CallToSupport allows you to interact with your web visitors with voice call feature from a Call button. Visitors can interact with site owner for free with our voice call features. You can provide a voip live support environment for your visitors.
You can create call operator group to divide your call operator into department like Sales, Support. Your call operator will login to our call operator dashboard and can start receving call instantly.
Our RTMFP flash technology gives you better and stable call quality and supports modern browsers.
Call To Support Features
- Falsh based call system and supports most of the browsers.
- Call Operator management helps you to create Call Operator group (department) like sales, support and add/edit/delete your call operators.
- Multiple call operators can be used unlike other VOIP live support software.
- Different dashboard for call operators.
- Offline messaging when call operators or your live support team are not available.
- Call button status changes based on your call operator status.
- Varity of designs for Call button.
- Complete web based and doesn’t requires any extra software or hardware like other live support software to receive or make calls.
- Best for giving live support to your visitors.
Note : You need to login to operator panel of to receive the calls.
For more details visit
Snapshot of Call button in a website. This button status changes according to call operator online status.
Web visitors department selction panel to place a call.
Offline messaging dailog when none of the call operator are available.