Car Park Booking WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Car Park Booking WordPress plugin is designed to be easily integrated into anywhere in WordPress site by using shortcode. Easy to use at front-end and highly customizable at back-end and will help users to easily book the car park through your WordPress website online.
Shortcode for displaying in front-end: [car_booking]
Supported Common Theme: Avada, Be Theme, Divi, Enfold, Genesis, X Theme.
Translation Support plugin: WPML (paid), Loco Translate (free)
URL for front-end:
URL for back-end:
Username: admin
Password: n20l^CB92DXJgRC1Hf
Product Highlights
Generate more sales, enhance your car park booking service, and have more time to organize the business.
1. Easy car park booking management:
– Add park space type as you need
From backend:
From frontend:
– Set periods and prices for each parking space type
From backend:
To frontend:
– Launch discounts on the price per day depending on date range and min/max days set
From backend:
– Create promo codes for certain date ranges, set discounts for a fixed amount or % of the booking price.
From backend:
– Add extra services clients can buy when they make a booking.
From backend:
To frontend:
2. Fully control and keep track of the whole activities of your reservation system
– Dashboard Check the latest bookings, cars coming/leaving on the respective day
– Booking details, client details: Show details of booking and client
– Add booking from the back-end
– Export in PDF for specific days in PDF
– Booking Report Review all pending, confirmed, cancelled bookings
– Editable booking terms – Manage custom terms and conditions through the back-end.
3. Responsive design: Clients can make online reservations using all types of mobile devices.
4. Email Notifications: The online car parking system can send Email notifications both to customers and admins as soon as a new booking, payment or cancellation has been submitted.
5. Payment gateway integration:
– PayPal, Stripe Credit Card Payment integrated by using your own Stripe secret key, Stripe public key and PayPal email.
6. WPML Support: Translate all titles and system messages into multiple languages.
7. Choose currency among $, €, and £
User Manual
=== Version 17th Jun 19 === [+] Fix minor bugs [+] Improve security === Version 28th Dec 18 === [+] Fix minor bugs === Version 30th Oct 18 === [+] Fix minor bugs === Version 22th July 18 === [+] Fix minor layout bugs [+] Show booking ID in front-end [+] Add dynamic maximum number of day that user can choose the parking space === Version 10 January 18 === [+] Fix missing data on PDF [+] Option to choose date format [+] Month pop up translation [+] Fix minor bugs === Version 4 December 17 === [+] Improve Security [+] Add currency £ [+] Add "Download Booking Detail" feature when user completes a parking space booking === Version 13 October 17 === [+] Fix JS bug === Version 23 September 17 === [+] Fix 'Total Amount' bug === Version 19 September 17 === [+] Improve [+] Resolve multi-site problem === Version 16 August 17 === [+] Improve layout for email template [+] Add more currency (EUR, and USD) [+] Add an option to disable payment [+] Fix some minor bugs