Carousel Anything For WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The Best and Easiest Way to Create Content Carousels Ever
We have taken carousel creation to the next level. With Carousel Anything, you can create carousels for any of your content. We’ve integrated into WPBakery Page Builder to bring you a very flexible, very lightweight and very intuitive carousel creation system. Change paddings, margins virtually any design element for your carousel.
We’ve integrated Owl Carousel into our plugin for the ultimate device support. Carousel Anything is responsive and touch enabled. In touch devices, you can drag and swipe the carousel to move it.
We have just added a new feature: Carousel Posts. Easily create carousels from your different post types. You can filter them so you can create a carousel that displays only blog posts of a certain category or tag; or if you have a meet the team plugin, you can create a carousel of your team members. We’ve also included 2 designs: display your posts in a clean plain layout, or a more unique design where your featured image is used as a background.
You can create any carousel. Here are some ideas of what you can do:
- Feature & icon boxes,
- Latest blog posts,
- Hero areas,
- Image sliders,
- Sliders with content,
- Video showcases,
- Testimonials,
- Team members,
- Anything…
Check the live preview for a preview of how easy it is to create carousels for anything.
Full Feature Set
- Turn any content into a carousel, images, images with text, carousels, team members, etc
- Works great in touch devices, swipe to scroll the carousel,
- Create carousels from your post types, and add a filter to display only posts under a specific category,
- Fully responsive, configure the number of items to display for mobile devices,
- Fully customizeable, adjust the columns, margins, paddings and colors to style your carousel,
- Lightweight, only loads stuff when carousel is used, doesn’t bloat your site,
- Dots, arrows or none, choose what type of navigation is displayed for your carousel,
- Works with any theme, as long as you have WPBakery Page Builder
- Very easy to use, instructions are provided for each setting,
- Properly coded in WordPress standards
Having Trouble with the Plugin?
Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or submit a support ticket!
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Version 1.12 – March 20, 2018
* New: Slide animations: Fade, bounce, and much more * New: Upgraded library to Owl Carousel v2 * New: Added `window.carouselAnythingInit()` function that you can use to initialize all carousels. Helpful for ajax loaded pages. * Fixed: Now checks for duplicate ca_row_fixes * Fixed: Error when no category posts are selected * Fixed: Fixed responsive issues * Fixed: Fixed navigation issues * Change: Removed license input * Change: Removed admin pointers * Change: Removed starting position option * Change: H2 are now H4 in carousel posts
Version 1.11 – June 21, 2017
* All inline CSS generated are now routed though WordPress methods, to prevent CSS code from being seen if the post appears in an excerpt. * VC row options and designs now work for Carousel Anything, like regular VC rows do. * Enhanced: Options rearrangements and rewording. * Amended post term retrieval code to be backward compatible with PHP 5.2. * Slides are now rendered equal height to background elements. * Rewind speed is not being observed by Owl Carousel, thus its option has been removed. * Fixed: CSS contamination in carousel elements such as arrows may occur. * Fixed: Navigation buttons become inaccessible when elements of a carousel is not transparent (ie. has background-color or a background image) * VC backend indicators has been added for Carousel Posts. * Enhanced: Graceful error handling for carousel_posts in cases of missing details in post types. * Improved error handling in Carousel Posts post type parser for better compatibility with PHP 7. * Added the ability to alter offsets for thumbnails and arrows. * Tweaked mobile and tablet disambiguation and detection for better accuracy. * Post IDs in classes have been added as well. * Updated licensing module and fixed plugin autoupdate issues. * Updated legacy Owl Carousel library. * Linking of slides have been revised; For background image rendering, the entire slide is now clickable; for image element, the featured image and title is now clickable. * CSS behaviors of thumbnails and arrows were adjusted to allow better display with simultaneous usage. This also possibly fixes issues where thumbnails appear at the dead center of the carousel when they're not supposed to. * Using arrows and thumbnails simultaneously is now possible.
Version 1.10 – June 29, 2016
* On mobile devices, carousel item counts will now always stay constant no matter the screen size. * Custom class names and html classes based on pulled post's taxonomy and terms has been implemented. * Styles and scripts will now load in the header of the page to prevent cases of FOUC (Flash of unstyled content). * Added new option to use full content instead of excerpt for Carousel Posts, due to popular demand. * Excerpt in Carousel Posts is renamed Content in line with the changes. * If word limiting is set to 0, no excerpt limiting will occur. * Added more descriptions in certain fields in Carousel Posts to accurately describe behaviors of certain conditions. * Enhanced: RTL will only be activated if your WordPress installation has RTL enabled. The option for setting this has been removed. * Fixed: Added special styling to make the carousel compatible with an X Theme update.
Version 1.9 – April 22, 2016
* Added `gca_carousel_posts_parameters` filter for carousel posts * Added `gca_carousel_posts_slide_override` filter for carousel posts * Migrated all PHP variables to comply with snake case standards. * Fixed a rendering issue in Carousel Posts where certain sections did not produce output at all. Code parts responsible for the post display was rewritten. * Fixed css issues in Carousel Posts where it produced undesirable text effects. * Fixed an issue in starting slides in Carousel Posts and Carousel Anything where it wasn't working at all, and/or could cause browser crashes. This function underwent a rewrite. * Fixed a nasty Visual Composer issue that wrecked Carousel Anything layouts, an issue that became apparent in recent Visual Composer releases. * Whoops! In certain query building routines, the force posttype is not being recognized at all! This has been fixed.
Version 1.8 – January 18, 2016
* Read More links can now be added for Carousel Posts. * Starting points for the carousels can now be defined. (always defaults to 0 or blank) * For both Carousel Anything and Carousel Posts, navigation arrows can now be customized in terms of color and size. * Ellipsis characters in Carousel Posts can now be customized. * Implemented alternate method of specifying the target custom post type slug in Carousel Posts, in cases where selecting it may cause problems. * Implemented more namespacing to prevent more conflicts with themes using Owl Carousel. * Fixed a residual issue in removing Desktop-Small attribute for Owl Carousel. * Fixed an issue in Carousel Posts where setting number of posts to 0 or blank will not pull posts at all. (it should pull all posts if so.)
Version 1.7 – November 16, 2015
* Altered post query method for Carousel Posts as it was causing problems recently. * Carousel Anything and Carousel Posts should now play along with WPBakery Page Builder's frontend editor. Use the most recent version for the best results. * Filters can now be used to alter results in Carousel Posts on the fly. Use the filter gambit_cp_query for this. * Removed Small Desktop size as it was causing problems for mobile devices. * Syntax restructuring in light of a new parsing system. The plugin will now be more compliant to WordPress standards more than ever, resulting in more reliable performance.
Version 1.6.1 – August 29, 2015
* Fixed a critical issue where Carousel Posts shortcode would not be editable afterwards in WPBakery Page Builder.
Version 1.6 – August 20, 2015
* Modified backend structure, it now shows the (inner) rows vertically instead of stacking blocks, this is for better visualization because.. * Columns are now possible inside a Carousel Anything element! * New Carousel Posts element - display your latest posts (filterable) inside a carousel, comes with 2 designs: plain and featured image background. * The Carousel Anything shortcode no longer crashes the browser Javascript if launched in frontend mode. * Removed auto-height auto-adjustment * Updated plugin file structure for better performance. * Added ability to define a custom class for a particular carousel. * Added the ability to control carousels by keyboard. * Updated and added internal autoupdates, and removed ratings system for a less-obstrusive pointer system.
Version 1.5 – May 28, 2015
* Added new setting for enabling/disabling dragging * Adjusted VC initialization * Added class checks for error prevention * Added minor protection for CWE-200 (shouldn't affect anyone)
Version 1.4 – March 30, 2015
* Removed scroll per page option since Owl Carousel was not handling this correctly * Namespaced Owl Carousel in order to protect from conflicts (such as with VC's new grid element) * Fixed alignment issues when placing multiple elements on top of each other * Fixed height display issues * Fixed rare error when our shortcode did not render at all
Version 1.3 – January 25, 2015
* Fixed frontend display compatibility issue with VC 4.4 * Fixed bug where in some rare occassions a fatal error would occur with vc_map
Version 1.2 – October 8, 2014
* Added the option to choose left/right arrows * Fixed bug where the plugin doesn't render in the frontend properly for some themes (e.g. Salient) * Made it easier to drag rows around in the backend editor
Version 1.1
* Better admin UI display, using the element in columns now display properly * Tested compatibility with the Salient theme and other themes with modified WPBakery Page Builder * Added default content for better usability
Version 1.0
* Initial release