Categorize Pages Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Categorize a Page just as you would do with a Post.
This plugin adds the ‘categories’ taxonomy to the Page post type.
This enables the tags metabox in the New or Edit Page interface. To show tagged
Pages on a category archive page or in a feed, it uses the ‘pre_get_posts’ hook
to change the post_type query parameter to ‘post’ AND ‘page’.
The plugin has no settings, does not alter the database and only uses hooks to
achieve it’s goal. It also should work perfectly fine with Multisite installations.
If this plugin meets your expectations and you use it commercially
please consider a donation to one of these organisations or your country’s equivalents:
- Medicines Sans Frontiers
- Free Software Foundation Europe
- Bits of Freedom
- European Digital Rights (EDRi)
- Free Software Foundation
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
To collect icon used in the WordPress plugin repository and found in /assets/icon*
From the series ‘Open’ By Ariane Garoff
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This means you are free to use these icons as you would like, but must provide attribution and, at minimum, a link to
Please review the legal code reachable at if you have any questions.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available. Contact The Artificial at to request details.
Thanks Ariane Garoff and to[icon] for sharing your work!
WordPress repository header image found in /assets:
Cut out from ‘Collecting books for readers in the reserve stacks, 1964’
Photograph during the making of a BBC documentary.
Repository: LSE Library
Thanks LSE Library& Flickr Commons –
A screenshot of the WordPress backend Pages section with the added Categories marked red (arrow).
A screenshot of the WordPress backend. A Page with the added categories attributes marked red (arrow).