CC-Link-Shortcode Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
This plugin adds the shortcode [a]
to replace <a>
html tag. Its primary function is to simplify internal linking. Now you don’t need to worry about changing the permalinks and correcting the appearance of the permalink in your posts/pages. You can only paste ID of post/page into the shortcode and the plugin will handle everything for you. When opening a post/page the shortcode renders the permalinks and titles of linked posts/pages based on the pasted IDs.
Basic: [a {post_ID}]
Example: [a 123]
Returns: <a href="{post_permalink}">{post_title}</a>
Custom link text: [a {post_ID}]{link}[/a]
Example: [a 123]Example Post[/a]
Returns: <a href="{post_permalink}">Example Post</a>
External link: [a {url}]{link}[/a]
Example: [a]Example Link[/a]
Returns: <a href="">Example Link</a>
Additional parameters: [a {post_ID} {param_name}="{param_value}"]
Example: [a 123 target="_blank"]
Returns: <a href="{post_permalink}" target="_blank">{post_title}</a>
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