CD BuddyBar Logo Changer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Once you installed and set your BuddyPress you may find out, that BuddyBar contains your site name. It’s realy cool – but may be very long. So you have not very nice BuddyBar. But you can change this!
After activating CD BuddyBar Logo Changer you should go to “Logo Changer” submenu under “BuddyPress” menu, where you can specify plugin behaviour: type your text instead that long sitename or use image as your logo. Than Turn on the plugin and save options – that’s all! No need to code anything.
From this time every existing blog or newly created blogs will have in their BuddyBar your own text or image with js events you entered. Saving option on your main site will affect every blog in your network.