Change Icons In Menu Navigation Block Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Change Icons In Menu Navigation Block Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The “Change Icons in Menu Navigation Block” plugin provides an easy and intuitive way to replace the default open and close menu icons in the WordPress navigation block. With this plugin, you can paste your custom SVG code for the icons directly into the WordPress admin area, offering a seamless way to customize your site’s appearance.

Icons used in plugin assets are from The Noun Project. Thanks to “shopping Icon” and “”

How to use

  1. Use the Settings->Change Menu Icons screen to configure the plugin.
  2. Paste the SVG code for Open Icon and/or Close Icon. Note: Leave textarea in blank to keep the default icon.


  1. Settings page where you can paste your custom SVG icons.

    Settings page where you can paste your custom SVG icons.

  2. Result for Open Icon SVG code using Menu icon from shopping Icon in

    Result for Open Icon SVG code using Menu icon from shopping Icon in

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