Charity-thermometer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Charity-thermometer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
4.3 Average out of 3 ratings
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Plugin Description

The “Progress Indicator Thermometer?? plugin uses a simple shortcode to display an great looking thermometer on your WordPress page, post or sidebar to indicate the progress of your fund-raising and charity activities.

The plugin allows the user to set a fundraising target and update a “current total?? amount. The user interface is extremely simple and easy to use. Easily update titles, change currency or update the amount of money raised at any given time.

To use the thermometer simply download, install and activate the plugin, then add the shortcode (available in the user interface once installed) to your post, page or sidebar, see live Sample.

Unfortunately, the plugin is not compatible in ancient versions of Internet Explorer. Though it is compatible with IE 9.

If you download the plugin, please provide us with a rating and a review. This will help us to continue providing updates and support.

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  1. This is the screenshot for the admin of the charity-thermometer plugin.

    This is the screenshot for the admin of the charity-thermometer plugin.

  2. This one is generated shortcode in creating the charity-thermometer. Remember that the plugin will also generate a post of the created plugin, so you have a choice in embedding this to a page on a sidebar or you can have a link on the actual post.

    This one is generated shortcode in creating the charity-thermometer. Remember that the plugin will also generate a post of the created plugin, so you have a choice in embedding this to a page on a sidebar or you can have a link on the actual post.

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