Chronosly Editable WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Chronosly WordPress Events Calendar Plugin
Whatever your programming level, Chronosly, one of the best WordPress events calendar plugin, is designed to suit all users, newbies, designers, and software developers.
1 Events Calendar plugin, 2 profiles
Chronosly let you choose how to use this WP calendar plugin
1 purchase – 2 ways of using the plugin
depending on your programming skills: BASIC or ADVANCED (PRO)
Basic Profile
All set to use. EASY, VERY EASY.
You only need to install the plugin, and select among different Templates, the one you like for your events or the one that best suits your website and then upload your events.
Advanced Profile
Recommended for users with PROGRAMMING SKILLS.
This profile allows you to customize all templates without restrictions.
You can easily change all templates with Template Editor (Drag & Drop system and Editing tool) including customize css style directly.
Templates Marketplace
Save programming time, choose and apply.
Chronosly marketplace will provide a WIDE RANGE of Templates with DIFFERENT STYLES.
You just need to choose the right template from a wide selection, which best matches your needs or site style, and apply.
Addons Marketplace
Chronosly, includes basic free features, that other WordPress events plugin have to be completed with extra Addons.
Addons allow to EXTEND BASIC FUNCTIONALITIES from the calendar plugin like:
Social Media Share, Frontend event sumission, Rating reviews and comments, Calendar import/export, Eventbrite ticketing and much more.
All these addons that include other advanced features in the wp event calendar plugin can be found in our marketplace.
Chronosly Features
- Basic users: ALL SET TO USE. Easy, very easy.
- Advanced users (programming skills) FULL template views customization using Drag & Drop system
- 15 customizable views
- Sell tickets with WooCommerce
- Custom Templates (Marketplace), choose and apply
- HTML Templates for easier customization
- Native integrated with WP and plugins
- RESPONSIVE Mobile Ready Layout (Works in iOS and Android)
- URL customization (URL friendly)
- Fully integrated with WP MULTIPLE LANGUAGES (e.g. WPML, Loco Translate, QTranslate and others…)
- Multilanguage URL (customized for each language)
- Addons Marketplace to enhance plugin features
- GOOGLE MAPS events integration
- RECURRING EVENTS (wide set up options)
- Organizers events list
- Places events list
- Categories events list
- DETAILED SINGLES PAGES for: Events, Organizers, Places and Categories
- SHORTCODES (always improved to cover user needs)
v2.3.1 January 10, 2016
- Upcoming events, showing past events if is configured on settings or shortcode
- Upcoming past shortcode, show past events from all past years
- Clone template, clone the html files besides the php
v2.3.0 December 27, 2015
- Drag and drop editor, change template solved
- Drag and drop editor added Back and Forward functionality
- Problem with week calendar view, last and first week of the year not showing events, solved
- Editor role could publish events
- Problem with default template, erased custom code on featured style in single event view.
v2.2.9 December 8, 2015
- Problem with blank templates improved, bug fixed
v2.2.8 December 6, 2015
- Recurring addon seasons date time format on single page problem fixed
- Recurring addon seasons repetitions show/hide past as settings is configured
- Import & Export addon v.2.1 compatible with fields events and seasons of Recurring addon
- Problem with blank templates when saving and editing templates fixed
- Widget update, bug fixed and category format included
- Improve code cleaning unnecesary functions
v2.2.7 November 18, 2015
- Minor bug fixes
Version 2.2.6 November 17, 2015
- Shortcode on templates problem fixed
- Template editor – Custom text fixed
- Recurring addon new option “displays events individually”
Version 2.2.5 November 1, 2015
- Fixed recurring events on shortcodes
- Fixed heavy load markers
- Added cluster events info
- Added select template quick display events option
Map my events addon
Version 2.2.4 October 26, 2015
- All events in a calendar addon navigation
- Tickets links hide when sold out
- Filter price range fixed on calendar
Version 2.2.3 October 9, 2015
- Languages .pot files updated
- All events in a calendar addon launching base
- Fixed Sunday events on week calendar
- Hide calendar
Recurring addon
- Fixed time for recurring events
- Fixed event name filter on calendar
Filter and Sort
Version 2.2.2 September 30, 2015
- Languages .pot files updated
- Fixed month calendar recurring events bug
- Fixed end hour recurring events and addons bug
- Added custom google maps api key option in settings
- Filter and Sort addon update v.2.0
- Featured events display improved
- Seasons list Drag & Drop improved
Version 2.2.1 September 14, 2015
- Languages .pot files update with all new strings
- Fixed seasons list start, from, from – to date bug
- Fixed seasons list sort bug
- Fixed local time bug
- Delete custom codes from backend
Version 2.2.0 September 1, 2015
- Ticketing template integration
- Ticketing and recurring events addon integration
- Seasons integration for all templates
- Fix year changing on week view calendar pagination
- Fix Drag&Drop address on place edition, when Lat.&Long. is set
- Fix editing single event template and returning to another template
- Fix custom shortcode displaying outside the box (Template Editor)
Version 2.1.6 July 20, 2015
- Pop-up display with JS functions solved
- Spinner for data loading
- Missing string translations added
- Fixed event list shortcode with params month, year, week
- Added ticket sale price
- Include sales price and discount deal on default, dark and grid templates
- Included compatibility for tickets and repeats enhancement addon
- Filter and sort addon updated to v.1.7
- Frontend event submission addon updated to v.1.8
Version 2.1.5 July 10, 2015
- Added Finish and Dutch languages for Chronosly core
- Shortcodes improvements
Version 2.1.4 June 11, 2015
- Fixed calendar widget bugs
- Improved maps loading
Version 2.1.3 June 9, 2015
- Fixed Drag & Drop sytem bugs
- Fixed {{NOTPREV}} variable
- Fixed php mbstring script incompatibility
- Minor bugs fixes
Version 2.1.2 May 26, 2015
- Fixed repeated weekly events when week starts on Sunday
Version 2.1.1 May 24, 2015
- Fixed template editor
- Improved social media share addon
- Update default, dark and grid template
Version 2.1.0 May 18, 2015
- Fixed single event template issue
- Improved update process for addons & templates
Version 2.0.5 May 12, 2015
- Fixed title for places categories
Version 2.0.4 May 4, 2015
- Improved same day format
- Fixed Social Media Share Facebook with Chronosly base
- Fixed minor template misfunctions
Version 2.0.3 April 24, 2015
- Places pagination
- Bug fixed
Version 2.0.2 April 23, 2015
- Improved html cut to avoid bad html code
- Improved tikets list
- Fixed search page style
- Full integration with WorPress jquery core libraries
- Organizers pop up linked
- Event Date-Time adapted dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm to hh:mm
Version 2.0.1 March 24, 2015
- Validate html closure when caching
- Fixed CSS for WP search results
- Fixed custom organizers sort bug
- Major Addons improvements
Version 2.0 March 13, 2015
- CORE data structure improved
- Flush rewrite CORE integration
- Shortcode for Templates
- Event list title customization
- Private content enabled
- Pop up scroll options
- Multi-language cache improved
- Calendar improvements
- Grid template improvements
- Nested Categories for Filter and Sort addon
- Time format 12h AM/PM for Frontend Events Submission addon
Version 1.7.4 December 29, 2014
Version 1.7.3 December 13, 2014
- Multiple calendar shortcode on 1 page
- Fixed events on same day
- Fixed week event list display when in settings week starts on Sunday
- Improved repeated events on main event list
Version 1.7.2 December 2, 2014
- Modified Closure in div
- Fixed Filter & Sort addon navigation
- Fixed Past events pagination
- Added custom strings translation from templates
Version 1.7.1 November 25, 2014
- Events shortcode pagination issue fixed
- Events widget improved
- Custom strings translations added
Version 1.7 November 23, 2014
- Upcoming events settings parameter, set main event list with upcoming events
- Fixed Repeated events Pagination
- Fixed Shortcodes Pagination
- Fixed Icons bug
Chronosly launches November 14, 2014
- Launched Filter & Sort Addon
Version 1.6.8 November 14, 2014
- Internal cache, 3 times faster
- js calendar increase theme compatibility
- Events tags page improved
- Cloning template debug info
- Navigation buttons (week, month, year) in events list like calendar view
Version 1.6.7 November 2, 2014
- Debug params showing fixed
Version 1.6.6 November 1, 2014
- Category single page improved
- Tag single page improved
- Fixed some events order problems
- Extended shortcode functionalities
Version 1.6.5 October 29, 2014
- Spanish core plugin translation
- Calendar events full compatible with multi-language WP
- Single category bug fixed
- Calendar events order by hour fixed
Version 1.6.4 October 23, 2014
- Include Categories shortcode for Upcoming parameter
- Fix Template-edited changes shown bug
- Fix Calendar events pop-up repeat bug
Social Media Share addon Version 1.2 October 15, 2014
- Grid template compatible
- shortener inlcuded (API KEY)
- Twitter custom text added
Version 1.6.3 October 15, 2014
- Events list shortcode for count fixed
- Featured checkbox issue fixed
- Added show hidden boxes action on all urls actions
Version 1.6.2 October 4, 2014
- Review – ORDER
- Fix some minor CSS misfunctions
Version 1.6.1 October 1, 2014
- Calendar events Improvement (JS based)
- Add POP UP events view
- Add Shortcodes – Pagination parameter
- Review previous category
- CSS calendar events improvement
Chronosly launches September 24, 2014
Version 1.5.7 September 25, 2014
- .pot file updated with string translations
- Time format update. Now differenciates start/end time/date, don’t show variables if blank
- Currency added Swiss Franc currency (CHF)
- JS compatibility for Grid template new functions
Chronosly launches September 22, 2014
- Launched Frontend Events Submission addon
Version 1.5.6 September 15, 2014
- Added some compatibilities with qtranslate and mqtranslate
- Added “current” value to shortcode filters, for display current year/month/week/day. Valid on type=”event” and type=”calendar” with year=”current” or month=”current” or week=”current” or day=”current”
- Added “past” value to shortcode filters, for display all past events of the year/month/week/day with type=”event” year=”past” or month=”past” or week=”past” or day=”past”. Only valid on type=”event”. Past events will be ordered by date, first nearest days today
- Update default and dark templates
- Fixed memory overload bug caused by filters
- Fixed sold out js bug on admin
- Fixed other minor bugs
Chronosly launches September 06, 2014
- Launched Social Media Share addon
Version 1.5.5 September 06, 2014
- Improved template updating
- Improved addons updating
- Fixed ie9 minor bug
Version 1.5.4 September 04, 2014
- Improved default template
- Improved addons settings
- Added “Sold out” on events tickets
- Fixed unlimited organizers and places on events editor
Chronosly launches August 31, 2014
- Launched Addon marketplace
- Launched Template marketplace
- Launched Dark template
Version 1.5.3 August 31, 2014
- Added shortcode upcoming events
- Added custom css file support, for any custom css mods required create and use /chronosly/css/custom.css
- Change Templates to set date format as settings
- Improved page load speed
- Increased quick edit limit for organizers and places
- Fixed other minus bugs
Version 1.5.2 August 28, 2014
- Added category events list shortcode
- Added navigation parameter to shortcode
- Added Editors permissions to edit chronosly
- Fixed calendar days bug when weeks start on Sunday
- Fixed other minus bugs
Version 1.5.1 August 25, 2014
- Added events quick edit fields
- Added category quick edit fields
- Fixed themes incompatibilities, basic and advanced configurations
- Added delete template on template editor
- Fixed date format according to WordPress language
- Italian core plugin translation
- Fixed template editor bugs
Version 1.4 August 16, 2014
- Fixed some compatibilities with earlier version of 3.8 WordPress
- Fixed other minus bugs
Version 1.3 August 13, 2014
Version 1.2 August 10, 2014
- Fixed settings bugs
v1.1 August 8, 2014
- Added Shortcodes for Events, Organizer, Place and Calendar
- Added Widgets for Events, Organizer, Place and Calendar
- Fixed auto updates
- Fixed saving Template Editor bug
v1.0 August 5, 2014
- Initial Launch of the plugin
All Chronosly events calendar plugin Changelog list