Clarity Podcasts Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is a plugin that adds a Podcasts Custom Post Type (CPT) that allows you the opportunity to post Podcasts to your website, separate from your blog posts.
What’s included
With the Clarity Podcasts plugin, the Podcasts CPT gets created with the following options for each podcast you add.
- Title and description
- A category selector for the type of podcast (ie: Short Story)
- Featured image
- Podcast length, release date and iTunes URL options
The three theme template files required are also included so you can customize as you see fit.
And there is a style.css
file for you to change the design
How to add the template files to your theme
Copy the three files from the plugin folder’s templates
folder and put them into your current theme’s folder.
Theme support
Currently, the Clarirty WordPress theme is the first to adopt this plugin so it will work perfect right out of the box. see screenshots
As more theme authors adopt this plugin for their themes, I will add them here.
The admin panel option for you to view, or add new podcast in it’s own custom post type.
This is a screenshot of the backend options built into the Podcasts custom post type.
In your admin panel sidebar, this is what you will see