CoffeeGreet Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
CoffeeGreet is a WordPress plug-in that will greet your visitors with coffee depending on the hour of the day, by displaying images using the Flickr API. The plug-in will fetch images from Flickr by tags you provide. By default, the plug-in will fetch 10 images (this can be set by the ‘shuffle’ field on the settings menu). After fetching the images, it would randomly take 1 out of the 10 images to serve to your visitors so that there is variety of servings each page reload. You can also set a default greeting message for your site visitors. Having this plug-in on your blog helps increase your blog’s exposure and loyal readership. Best of all, this plug-in is compatible with various WordPress cache plug-ins so you do not have to sacrifice speed.
- Show a different greeting message to your visitor with a coffee image. You can add/edit/delete greeting messages as well as the tags for coffee to be served depending on the hour of the day.
- You can set display options (size of the Flickr image) and can set the number of possible random images that will be displayed on your page.
- When installed, CoffeeGreet becomes available on the widget panel of the WordPress dash board.
- Ultra customizable greeting message box (with CSS) allowing you to prepend/append HTML around the greeting message box.
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