Compilebin Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is a syntax highlighter plugin which also acts as an interface to the online compiler api service on cloud provided by It interacts with cloud service via rest APIs i.e, submit the code and get the output. Users need to signup and get an api key which is to be updated in the plugin to use the service. Plugin contains a link for signing up for the service. There is no security concern on the web server as the task of code execution is offloaded to the cloud service. The plugin uses the following open source libraries :
1) Code prettify for syntax highlighting
2) Ace code editor
Please visit for more information about the service.
Note that this plugin can also be used purely as a syntax highlighter only by hiding the run button on your code snippets. This mode of usage is free of any charges. Run button will not be visible on public view.
Please report issues to
This plugin is actively maintained and we will fix the reported issues as soon as possible.
/assets/screenshot-1.png – Editor to write, save and execute code.
/assets/screenshot-2.png – Insert code button on the admin page.
/assets/screenshot-3.png – Dialog box to update API key.
/assets/screenshot-4.png – Dialog box to set preferences.
/assets/screenshot-5.png – Web design code editor.