Conditional Cart Fee / Extra Charge Rule For WooCommerce Extra Fees Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WooCommerce extra fees plugin helps you to Create a dynamic fees for your store, based on various conditions
WooCommerce extra fees plugin is very simple to use, and you can create complex fees very quickly
Key features for WooCommerce Extra fees Plugin
✅ WooCommerce extra fees based on the Customer Country
✅ Extra fees for the WooCommerce based on the the cart subtotal
✅ Product-based WooCommerce extra fees, even support variable product
✅ Quantity-based WooCommerce additional fees
✅ User-based WooCommerce extra fees
✅ Extra fees based on fixed or percentage of subtotal.
✅ Set extra fees as taxable or not taxable
✅ Set a tax class for the extra fees
✅ Set extra fees as optional fees, so user can decide if they want to have this service and pay extra cost. E.g: Assembly charges for product, user can decide if they want to have assembly service and pay extra for that or not have that service
✅ Charge extra fees by Fixed / Percentage
✅ Schedule the extra cart fees, to charge for a certain time period.
✅ Set extra fee as taxable or not taxable
✅ Set tax class for the cart Fees
✅ Charge extra fee based on state
✅ Charge extra fee based on WooCommerce zone
✅ WooCommerce extra fee based on category
✅ Additional cart fees apply per quantity with cart base
✅ Charge extra fee-based specific user
✅ Set coupons based extra fee
✅ Set order amount based extra fee
✅ Set weight-based extra fee
✅ Set shipping class-based extra fee
✅ Charge extra fees by user role
✅ Apply charge based on the product quantity multiple of
✅ Apply charge if product quantity is not a multiple of
Compatible with Order date and time plugin
✅ Set extra charge based on the selected delivery or pickup date
✅ Add extra charge based on the user opting for pickup/delivery
✅ Add extra charge based on the selected delivery/ pickup day of the week
Change fees amount conditionally
- Charge different fees based on different quantities in the cart
- Charge different fees based on total weight in the cart
- Charge different fees based on subtotal in the cart
- Charge different fees based on the quantity of different product in the cart
PRO features
✅ Postcode: You can apply an extra charge based on the specific postcode or range of postcode
✅ Product Tags: So you can add an extra charge if the specific tag of the product are present in the cart
✅ Quantity of product from specific category: When the quantity of product from a specific category is as per your comparison rule then you apply the extra charge
✅ Quantity of product from specific tag: When the quantity of product with a specific tag is as per your comparison rule then you apply the extra charge
✅ Payment method: Apply extra charge when the user selects a specific payment method
✅ Day of the week: Apply extra charge on the specific day of the week
✅ Shipping method based extra fees: Apply fees based on the shipping method selected by the customer
✅ Charge extra fees based on the Product Attribute, so you can charge extra fees if the user purchases a Large size dore and don’t charge extra fees when they purchase small size dore
✅ Charge extra fees when the customer is making a first order on your website
✅ Don’t charge extra fees if it is the first order of the customer
✅ Don’t charge extra fees if the customer last order total was more then 1000$
✅ Don’t charge extra fees if the customer has placed more then 5 orders during the current month
✅ Don’t charge extra fees if the customer total purchase from your website over the last one week is of more then $1000
✅ Show optional fees checkbox on the cart page
✅ Set a different message for the optional fees checkbox
Say you are charging them a installation fees then you can configure the plugin to show
“Do you want installation service ? ” next to the checkbox
and once they have selected the checkbox it will show them
“Installation service fees” in the checkout total
✅ Exact set of product or set of category of product Add extra fees when exact set of product or product belonging to exact set of category are present in the cart.
✅ Exact set of product or set of category of product not present in the cart Add extra fees when exact set of product or product belonging to exact set of category are NOT present in the cart.
Combine multiple fees (PRO feature)
✅ You can combine multiple fees in to a single fees
✅ You make the combine fees to apply when all the specified fees as getting applied to customer (this is like an AND condition of fees).
E.g. Show combined Fees D => when fees A, B, C all are applied to customer
✅ You make the combine fees to apply when any one the specified fees as getting applied to customer (this is like an OR condition of fees).
E.g. Show combined Fees D => when any one of the fees A, B, C are applied to customer
✅ Extra fees on purchase of some specific product or product from specific category
✅ Charge extra fee for several product categories
✅ Charge extra fees based on Country / State of the customer
✅ Add extra fees based on the total weight of the cart.
✅ Charge extra fees if minimum purchase amount is not satisfied
✅ Add extra cart fee based on user country
✅ Extra cart fees based on the state
✅ Add extra charge based on product in the cart
✅ Extra charge base on product category
✅ WooCommerce extra cost if user quantity is more then certain limit
✅ Add surcharge based on multiple conditions
✅ WooCommerce extra fees based on product height
✅ Add a WooCommerce Extra Fees for specific selected delivery date
✅ Apply additional fees based on the total weight of product in the cart
✅ Apply Service charge based on product categories
✅ Add Service charge based on Country / State of the customer
✅ Service charge charge based on product in the cart
✅ Product-based fees
✅ Charge a extra fees to Subscriber or wholesaler
✅ WooCommerce Conditional Product Fees For Checkout
✅ WooCommerce cash on delivery extra fee