Conditions For Texts (Dynamic Content) Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Conditions For Texts (Dynamic Content) Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The WordPress plug-in Conditions for Texts allows bloggers to use IF- & IF-ELSE conditions in their posts and pages. With this amazing plug-in specific content and texts can be published in accordance with certain conditions, for example date or time.

The plug-in comes in a standard- and extended version – this is the standard version! Please read the documentation to get information about the differences between the two versions and how to get the extended version.

Do you have any ideas, or wishes for more variables in the plug-in included or did you find a bug – please contact us!

How to use this plug-in:

// In Standard Version:
[IF $month == 12]It's christmas time[/IF]
[IF $month != 12]It's not christmas time[/IF]
[IF $hour <= 12]Before lunch[/IF][IF $hour > 12]After lunch[/IF]
[IF $month == 12]It's christmas time[ELSE]It's not christmas time[/IF]

// In Extended Version:
[IF $month == 12 AND $day==6]It's Saint Nicholas[ELSE]I's not Saint Nicholas[/IF]

We recommend the use of the syntax in the plain text editing location.

The following comparison operators are supported:

!= , == , >= , <= , < , >

The following variables for the conditions are available:

In Standard- & Extended Version:

  • $day – Day (1…31)
  • $month – Month (1..12)
  • $year – Year (2018)
  • $hour – Hour (1..24)
  • $minute – Minute (1..59)
  • $date – Date (2018-12-24)

Only included in the Extended Version:

  • $remoteIP – IP-Address of the visitor (
  • $userAgent – User-Agent of the visitor (String)
  • $httpReferer – Referer-URL of the visitor (String)
  • $browserLanguage – Language of the Browser (e.g. de,en,…)
  • $permaLink – Permanent url of the current page or post (https://…/category/title)
  • $dayOfWeek– Day of the week (0=Sonntag, 6=Samstag)
  • $dayOfYear – Day of the year (1…365)
  • $leapYear – Leap year (true, false)
  • $amORpm – Morning or Afternoon (am, pm)
  • $pageId– ID of the current page (int)
  • $postId – ID of the current post (int)
  • $categoryName – Name of the category (String)
  • $authorId – ID of the author (int)

Do you have any ideas or wishes for more variables, please use our contact form!

Where can i use the condition statements and which third party plugins are supported?:

You can use the conditions in the following sections:

  • Content text of a page or post (the_content)
  • Title of a page or post (the_title, pre_get_document_title)
  • Meta-Title and Meta-Description (wpseo_title, wpseo_metadesc)
  • Text in the header (wp_head)
  • Text in the footer (wp_footer)
  • Text in widgets (widget_text)

The following third party plugins are supported:

  • Shortcode-Plugins like Shortcoder (Useful: Check if parameters in the shortcode content are set!)
  • Tablepress

If you want another plugin-support, please use our contact form!


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