Contextual Featured Images Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Contextual Featured Images provides the functionality to assign a featured image to a post’s category.
Then, depending on the context of the post, the custom featured image you set will be used.
Example: Say you have a post with multiple categories such as “Teens”, “Adults”, etc. When you are visiting the “Teens” archive, you want to show a targeted image for teens, but when visiting the “Adults” archive, you want to show an adult specific image, this plugin will allow you to do that.
It allows you to personalise how posts are displayed to your visitors. Think Netflix’s personalisation of show covers, but much simpler. 😉
How to use:
1. Assign a category, tag, custom taxonomy or term to the current post you are editing.
2. Save the post, and refresh the screen. (this is so the plugin can pick up the term(s) you have just assigned)
3. Select the post term in the Metabox on the Edit screen.
4. Select an existing image from the WordPress Media Library or Upload a new custom image.
5. Your selection will be saved automatically in the background.