DyaPress ERP/CRM Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

DyaPress ERP/CRM Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

DyaPress ERP/CRM is the open-source port of the existing CRM/ERP software Dolibarr(tm) as a plugin to WordPress .

This plugin is mainly only visible in the admin area of WordPress. Its main advantage are easier installation and upgrade.

However please note starting with version 15, almost all the plugin files are now in a unique separate archive which is downloaded on upgrade/installation. This archive is around 70Mb and count once extracted for around 230Mb. So you need at least 300Mb of free space to use the plugin on your hosting.

Even if translation are not yet visible using WordPress gettext system, Dolibarr is translated to 82 languages other than English which are available to DyaPress as well. Automatic translation according to your language in WordPress is available, unless you force another language from configuration.

As of Dolibarr software, DyaPress plugin allow you to enable the feature you want by activating the corresponding included module you need. furthermore you can setup your own company profile as well as how VAT is handled on your part.

Internal Modules and Features

Human Resources Management (HR)

  • Users and Groups : DyaPress allow you to add users and groups and to defines detailed permissions for each features and global modules as well. Note that user or group permissions are handled by Dolibarr original code and not WordPress capabilities. An user must be created in DyaPress/Dolibarr database in order to have access to DyaPress.
  • Members : Management of foundation members
  • Expense reports : Management and claim expense reports : each user can report various expense like transportation, meal, …

Customer Relations Management (CRM)

  • Third parties : Management of prospects or customers and associated contacts
  • Proposals : Management of commercial proposals
  • Customer orders : Management of customer orders including automatic numerotation and order statuses
  • Shipments : Management of shipments and delivery
  • Contracts and Subscriptions : Management of contracts like services or recurring subscriptions
  • Interventions : Management of interventions

Vendor Relation Management

  • Suppliers : Management of suppliers and purchase orders and billing
  • Vendor commercial proposal : Request vendor commercial proposal and prices
  • Incoterm : Add features to manage Incoterm

Financial Modules (Accouting and Treasury)

  • Invoices : Management of Invoice and credit note for customers or suppliers
  • Taxes and special expenses : Management of other expenses like sales taxes, social or fiscal taxes, dividends, …
  • Payment of employee wages : Record and follow payment of your employee wages
  • Loan : Management of loans
  • Donations : Management of donation
  • Banks and cash : Management of bank or cash accounts
  • Direct bank payment orders : Management of Direct Debit payment orders, including generation of SEPA file for European countries
  • Margins : Management of margins
  • Accouting : Simple accounting reports (journals, turnover) based on database content without using any ledger table
  • Advanced Accouting : Accounting management (double entries, support general and auxiliary ledgers) and export of ledger in several other accouting software format

Product Management (PM)

  • Products : Product management
  • Services : Service management
  • Stocks : Stock management of products
  • Products lots : Lot or serial number, eat-by and sell-by date management on products
  • Product Variants : Management of products variants based on attributes like color, size, …

Projects and Collaborative work

  • Projects/Opportunities/Leads : Management of projects, opportunities/leads and/or tasks
  • Events/Agenda : Follow done and upcoming events, let application logs automatic events for tracking purposes or record manual events or rendez-vous
  • Resources : Manage resources like printers, cars, room, … that can then be shared into events

Some others Modules

  • DMS/ECM : Document Management System / Electronic Content Management. Automatic organization of your generated or stored documents
  • Tags/Categories : Create tags/category on products, customers, vendors, contacts or members
  • Multi currency : Management of several foreign currencies in prices and documents
  • Barcodes : Management of barcode
  • Workflow : Workflow management (automatic creation of object and/or automatic status change)
  • Data imports : Tool to import data in Dolibarr (with assistants)
  • Data exports : Tool to export Dolibarr data (with assistants)
  • SOAP API : Enable the Dolibarr SOAP server providing API services
  • REST API : Enable the Dolibarr REST server providing API services
  • Unalterable Archives : Activate log of some business events into an unalterable log. Events are archived in real-time.

DyaPi Microservice

DyaPi Microservices allows connecting already connected software to DyaPi together. The first existing softwares to be supported are DyaPress ERP/CRM, Dolibarr, PrestaShop and Shopify. You may found more documentation on DyaPi website.

DyaPi microservices are written in Golang for maximum performance and scalability. For example, displaying 1000 orders at once in WordPress backoffice takes less than a second typically to download.

DyaPress e-Commerce

The existing DyaPress e-Commerce plugin will be completely updated to a newer WordPress plugin compatible with DyaPi. This plugin will allow connexion to any software already connected to DyaPi and not only DyaPress or Dolibarr.


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