Copy To Clipboard – Mobile + Web Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is the plugin to copy text to clipboard on click of a button on desktop browsers and mobile web browsers. It usage flash to auto copy on click of the button, for the browsers where flash is not available, it shows the popup with pre-selected text and user can copy it easily.
– Flexibility to change caption, width, height of the button.
– Option to add a suffix to copied text, by default suffixes your blog url.
– Option to call a javascript method on click of the button, by default sends Click event to your Google Analytics account.
It usage LMCButton, to copy text using flash and to detect flash.
Sample Use
[pw-clippy caption=”Copy”]Text to Copy goes here[/pw-clippy]
For more options checkout Installation section.
For more information on how to use or to report any issues/enhancement requests visit
Screenshot for flash buttons, works on almost all desktop browsers, tablets.
Screenshot for no flash buttons, on mobile browsers.
Screenshot for pop-up, opens on clicking no flash button.