Core Web Vitals Checker And Optimization Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Core Web Vitals Checker And Optimization Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Please note, WordPress has 100 000+ different themes and plugins and it is not possible to create an automated solution that can optimize all plugins and themes. Google Core Web Vital optimization is a 100% manual work and should be done by professional engineers.

Our plugin performs the website performance check and shows you if we can help you get better results for Google and improve your website performance.

Google Core Web Vitals

LCP stands for Largest Contentful Paint. LCP measures the time taken by the server to display the largest visible element in the viewport. LCP should be less than 2.5 seconds. If you are seeing the LCP issue: Longer than 4s (Desktop) or (Mobile) error in your Search Console then it means that the server is taking more than 4 seconds to render the largest visible element in the viewport.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a page metric that reports page stability. In simple terms when you load a web page, start reading or performing any actions, and if suddenly the content or elements of the web page jumps or changes then it may cause issues taking into consideration users’ viewing experience.

Main Features

  • LCP Issue Fix
  • CLS Issue Fix
  • FID issue fix
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Website Performance Optimization


This plugin performs basic automated optimization and cannot optimize the code if you need a full optimization, our engineers can help you. Please note, Google Core Web Vitals optimization is 100% manual work and should be done by professionals.


  1. Plugin interface

    Plugin interface

  2. Test results after plugin activation

    Test results after plugin activation

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