Cr3ativ RecentPosts Carousel Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Easily add as many carousel items as you’d like by category.
Using the owl script available here – we have created an easy to use plugin based on the content area.
You can include these items by carousel category in a post or page using the short code:
[recentposts-carousel columns=”1″ category=”standard” number=”3″ image=”yes”]
Above is an example of that short code. We state how many columns we want to display, which category, how many posts and if we want the featured image displayed (yes/no). If you want to pull from all categories, just leave off the category part of the short code like this:
[recentposts-carousel columns=”1″ number=”3″ image=”yes”]
We also provide a widget for this plugin to utilize the same as the short code with the exception of you can tell the carousel how to sort the items and the carousel category is provided by a drop down menu.
For your convenience, the plugin also contains a directory called languages, you will find the mo/po files used for this plugin here.
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