Crocodoc Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 2 ratings
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Plugin Description

New and Improved version 2.0!!
This plug-in has not been functioning since Crocodoc updated it’s API. I finally got around to updating the API calls and it is now working as it should be.

-Display documents and images in your posts using the Crocodoc API.
*Embed .PDF, .DOC, .PPT, .PNG, and .JPG files into your posts.
*Supports standard pages and posts as well as custom post types.

The Crocodoc plugin will create a new input box on the edit/add post form of each desired post type. The new input box allows for the inclusion of a document that will be sent to Crocodoc for conversion when the post is published or updated. Through the use of ShortCode, you can embed the document into your post.

The Crocodoc Plugin was developed by Michael Doss of, which is in no way associated with This plugin is not officially supported by Crocodoc. Neither Crocodoc, or the developer will respond to inquiries or be updating the plugin on a regular basis.


The Crocodoc Plugin requires a valid Crocodoc API key. A free key can be obtained from Crocodoc’s API is free for non-commercial use. For commercial applications, visit

In the Crocodoc Setting page (‘Settings’ >> ‘Crocodoc’) enter the api key in the provided field, and select the post types you want Crocodoc to work with. Crocodoc can work with standard posts and pages as well as any defined custom post types. Next, select the actions you want the plugin to take when you remove an attachment from a post, or delete a post with a crocodoc attachment. Be sure to click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

When creating a post, use the Crocodoc uploader to select a file. Once a file is uploaded and selected, you will be given options to make the document downloadable and/or editable. When the post is published, the file will be uploaded to Crocodoc and associated with the given post.

In the content section of your post use the ShortCode [crocodoc] to display the attached document.
The document will be embedded at the default width and height of 500 x 700.
Control the size of the document with parameters ‘width’ and ‘height’ : [crocodoc width=”300″ height=”500″]


  1. The Crocodoc settings page.

    The Crocodoc settings page.

  2. The Crocodoc Meta Box in a new post.

    The Crocodoc Meta Box in a new post.

  3. The Crocodoc Meta Box with a selected file and options.

    The Crocodoc Meta Box with a selected file and options.

  4. A PDF being displayed on a blog post using Crocodoc.

    A PDF being displayed on a blog post using Crocodoc.

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