CSlider Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

CSlider Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
3.7 Average out of 3 ratings
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Plugin Description

Add content slides with a simple shortcode “[cSlider]” and divide all slides with “[slide]”. Close the shortcode after all slides with “[/cSlider]”.
Change your default settings in the admin panel.

NOTE: Please update to the latest version (2.4.1) if you recognize any bug!

Overwrite the defaults for each cSlider with these shortcode attributes:

  1. width (in px)
  2. mode {horizontal, vertical, fade}
  3. speed (in ms)
  4. infititeLoop {true, false}
  5. controls {true, false}
  6. startingSlide (index of the first slide to appear)
  7. randomStart {true, false} (whether the first slide to appear is random)
  8. auto {true, false} (automated sliding)
  9. pause (in ms) (pause between auto slides)
  10. autoDirection {next, prev} (direction of auto slides)
  11. autoHover {true, false} (stop auto slides on mouseover)
  12. pager {true, false} (show the page navigation)
  13. pagerLocation {bottom, top}
  14. ticker {true, false} (slide continuously)
  15. tickerDirection {next, rev} (direction of ticker)
  16. tickerHover {true, false} (stop ticker slides on mouseover)
  17. easing (see http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ for easing options)

If you like cSlider and want to use it in your language, feel free to contact me to create translations! Thanks


  1. cSlider default settings panel

    cSlider default settings panel

  2. How to use the shortcakes

    How to use the shortcakes

  3. What it will look like in the front end

    What it will look like in the front end

Reviews & Comments