ElementsCSS Addons For Elementor (Elementor Widgets Extender & Addons) Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
11+ Elementor Addons and the very 1st Elementor EXTENDER that will provide you more custom options for Elementor Widgets and make Elementor more user friendly without having any custom CSS knowledge. Its pre-written codes will do the tricks for you. Before you might need to write custom CSS to do such things, but now you wont!
💁 This plugin will add new 11 widgets (including Pro). Besides that this will enhance the current widgets of Elementor and Elementor Pro.
💁 If you are not familiar with Custom CSS, but still you need some more features from Elementor widgets then this plugin is for you.
👉 Docs Link: Documentation
👉 Feature Suggestion/Issue Track: GitHub
👉 Features [Free]
💁👉 Free Widget Extender
- Custom Image Link to Image Carousel Widget (6 images*)
- Create Sticky Inner Section (Make any inner section STICKY!)
- Change Goolge Maps Widget color
- Center alignment of Elementor Form Label and Placeholder
- Image within Texts (Background image within texts)
- Create custom Sticky Header
- Redirect to WP Dashboard (will redirect you to wp-admin)
- Suggest Modern Browser (will suggest users to use modern browser instead of IE)
💁👉 Free Widgets
* Innovative Button Widget (You can make awesome buttons using Innovative Button)
* Innovative Review Widget (Make a customer review section)
* Google Search Widget (Add google search in your website with your own custom design)
* Social Tooltip Widget (Add tooltip in social media icon)
* Popup Widget (Make button on click Popup with custom design)
👉 PRO Features Try PRO
💁👉 Pro Widget Extender
* Add custom link to each image of Image Carousel (Unlimited)
* Set the footer to bottom of the page and forget issues like- jumping footer, white space.
* Gradient for Texts, Icons & Buttons
* Control Lightbox shadow on Image Gallery
* Tittle Color of Image Box Widget on hover
* Enable PreLoader for large pages
* Change Default Menu (Hamburger) Icon
* Hide category images in Product Categories Widget
* Image link to Portfolio Widget
* Custom Search Title [New]
* Custom Nav Icon [New]
💁👉 PRO Widgets
* Product Grid Widget (WooCommerce Product Grid)
* WordPress Login Form Widget (Make custom login page with own custom style)
* Slider Shortcode Widget (Make any type of slider by using Slider Shortcode)
* Pricing Table Widget (Create awesome pricing tables )
* Counterup Widget (Add awesome counterup on your webpage)
* Scrollspy Widget (Make section scroll without any code)