CubePoints Buddypress Integration Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Adds CubePoints support to Buddypress. Reward members using your BuddyPress portion of your website by giving them points and awards! IMPORTANT: You will need to install CubePoints (at least version 3.0.1) first.
Integrates with the CubePoints Giveaway & Betting System
See full details on how the system works and how to get it here. But a brief overview is you can setup a giveaway where your members can enter a giveaway using points. They can get extra entries in the giveaway for sharing it on Twitter, Google+, Facebook and a few other ways and earn points for it!
There is a built in betting system so your members can bet their points against each other. If you have this system installed it displays the number of lotteries or bets they have not entered, in the top BuddyPress admin bar.
Here is what you can get points for. You can change these values or disable them in the BP CubePoints admin menu.
- Group Creation
- Group Deletion
- Joining a Group
- Leaving a Group
- Updates/Replies
- If a user deletes their own update/reply
- Completed Friend Request
- Canceled Friendship
- New Group Forum Topic
- Group Forum Post
- Uploading Avatar
- Uploading Group Avatar
- Sending a Message
bbPress 2.0 Support
- Give your members points for being active in your bbPress 2.0 forum!
Other BuddyPress Plugin Support
- BuddyPress Links by Marshall Sorenson (MrMaz)
- BuddyPress Gifts by Warut Sudpoothong
- BP Gallery by Brajesh Singh
Plugin Authors Can Add Their Own Support for CubePoints!
- Give your members another reason to be active on your website.
- Have anywhere from 1 – 70 awards! Plus 1 more for earning all the awards on your site.
- Customize each award image and title and the criteria for earning the award.
- You can turn this feature off as well.
- Simple:Press Forum Support.
Members can earn awards for a variety of things:
- Groups
- Friends
- Posting Updates
- Replies
- Group Forum Topics
- Group Forum Replies
- Comments
- Blog Posts
- Blog Posts in a Category
- Donations
- Logging In
- Points
- Simple:Press Forum Posts
Adds CubePoints to the BuddyPress Profile
It shows the points the member has earned. Donate link and rank (if enabled).
Adds Points to the BuddyPress Admin Bar
It shows the points the member has earned. If you click on the points you can donate right from there. But only if “Enable user-to-user donations” is enabled.
Public Points Log
- You can view the points you have earned right from your BuddyPress profile. Or view the logs of others on your BuddyPress site.
- There is also a Sitewide Points log that displays the points everyone has earned.
- You can choose how many point logs show up per page.
Point Legend
- Shows all the ways to earn points on your site dynamically on what you enter from the admin menu.
- Plus an option to put other ways to earn points on that page as well.
- Simple instructions on how to enable a [earnpoints] shortcode for use in posts and pages.
Point Blocker!
You can enter in the User ID(s) of people that abuse the system just to earn points. After they are blocked, they will not be able to earn any points on the BuddyPress portion of your website.
Spam Control
- Limit only members with a certain amount of points access to send new messages to other members.
- Limit only members with a certain amount of points access to create new groups.
- Limit only members with a certain amount of points access to updates & replies.
Displays Points in the BuddyPress profile, donate link and rank with image, if enabled.
Public Points Log. You can view the points you have earned right from your BuddyPress profile.
Admin menu where you can adjust point values.
Support for other BuddyPress Plugins.
Point Blocker! Blocks users from earning points on your BuddyPress website.
Uses the standard CubePoints Logging System.
Awards System
If you have the CubePoints Giveaway & Betting System installed. It displays the number of giveaways or bets they have not entered, in the top BuddyPress admin bar.