Custom Layouts – Post + Product Grids Made Easy Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Build a list or grid layout of any post type (products, pages, posts + more).
The visual editing experience makes creating unique designs a breeze.
- Design post templates (cards) using our drag and drop builder
- Built for both Gutenberg users and non Gutenberg users (blocks + shortcodes available)
- Query builder – select from multiple post types or restrict by tags, categories, taxonomies, authors and more
- Works with any theme
- No coding required
- Responsive options
- Website
- Examples
- Documentation
- Follow us for updates and tips
What can you make with this plugin?
- Popular posts widget
- Recent posts widget
- A shop layout for listing products (*when combined WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and other product plugins)
- A post grid
- A portfolio grid
- Masonry layouts
- Custom post type layouts
And much more…
Layout Editor
Build single column or grid based layouts using the visual editor.
- Supports Masonry out of the box
- Tons of design options to build the layout you want
- Choose to add numbered Pagination ( ‘Load more’ and ‘Infinite scroll’ options are planned )
- Powerful query builder
- Responsive columns (choose how many columns to show for each device size – and set your own breakpoints)
Query Builder
Options include:
- Multiple post type selection
- Tag, category and custom taxonomy restriction
- Single author or multiple author restriction
- Ordering by – post title, published date (for recent posts), modified date, post ID, comment count (for popular posts), author
- Posts per page
- Offset
- Ignore sticky posts
Template Editor
- Design individual templates (cards) using our drag and drop editor – creativity is your only limit
- Link them with your layouts to build beautiful designs
- Hundreds of design options
- Unique blocks for building templates + template editor
- granular control over the blocks you add to your design – choose from a growing list
- to re-arrange blocks, just drag and drop
- each block has it’s own sidebar full of options such as spacing, colors (including gradients + alpha transparencies), font settings, borders, and more.
- Currently available blocks: Post Title, Post Type, Post Excerpt, Post Author, Published + Modified Date, Custom Field, Taxonomies, Link, Basic Text (with shortcode support).
Find out more about our template blocks.
Gutenberg integration
- Custom blocks for building layouts
- Seamlessly integrates with our Template Editor
- UI built using 90% Gutenberg components 👍
- Experimental FSE Query block support (drop our Post Template block into the Query block…)
- Works with the version of Gutenberg shipped in WP core, and the Gutenberg plugin (using the latest stable build)
Built for speed
- At its base – loads only 1 css file and 1 javascript file on the frontend – total bundle size approx 15kb.
- CSS file dynamically created, saving resources and requests per page load (+ avoiding inline CSS)
- Caches posts + queries for optimum performance
- Not jQuery dependant
Includes 7 sample templates
We’ve included a pack of templates ready for you to customise – check the installation tab for how to import these to your site.
Multilingual ready
Custom Layouts should support most multilingual plugins – we use a custom post type to store content that is not stored in the block editor.
* We’ve also added specific support for WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor.
Known Issues
- Admin Template Editor only works on desktop computers (tablets + mobiles not supported)
- Admin Template Editor does not work on IE, all other major browsers supported – ** the frontend of this plugin supports IE 11+, no sweat
- Improve performance and load speed by providing an option to use CSS Grid for layouts + masonry
- Support more CSS unit types in more places
- Blocks for WooCommerce
- Blocks for ACF
- More template blocks (possibly use the block library)
- Additional hover options
- Additional font options – either Google fonts or the Gutenberg api which looks like it’s coming soon
- Social/sharing blocks
Reviews help us improve (and climb the plugin rankings)
Using the layout block
The Template Editor – full customization over each item
Frontend result
Short demo animation
Responsive controls